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"That was so fucking weird" Taehyung breathes out to himself.

"Why? What happened?" Daehan asks, looking up from his phone briefly.

"I think I just saw him enter that life. Before my eyes. Right before I left, he like switched off and then...was different".

"Oh shit, no way. That's so weird. That must have been so odd for you".

"Yeah I mean" Taehyung blinks slowly "If I chose Jimin, I would have told the real him I love him. That will be the person I'll meet. That was...I don't know how I felt about that. I mean I would have liked to have spoken to him. To tell him that wasn't my original life too but..."

"You left. And the Taehyung in that life would have just switched off too. But he'll be himself. Don't worry. Everything is fine" Daehan tells his cousin, not wanting him to panic. "Are you ready?"

"For the last life I mean-.."

"No" Daehan interrupts him, "For the love".

It takes him a second to realise what he means. Of course it's the next second where the soaring pain enters his whole body. He's floored by its intensity. It stings. It burns. He can't breathe. The veins in his neck are popping from his inability to inhale. So much so, that his whole face turns red.

"Taehyung breathe" Daehan tells him in worry, kneeling down beside him, with a slightly worried look gracing his face. "Come on. Take a breath"

But he can't. His whole body is burning. It feels like electricity, and fire combined. His heart is stinging, like an intense heart attack, and no matter what, he can't fix it. It just has to pass.

But fuck, every time it happened it was just so much worse than the last. More love meant more pain. It was as if it was being shoved, deep down, into his heart at full force, by a hand covered in needles.

Taehyung looks at Daehan, through his pain, and inability to breathe, choking on it all.

"Taehyung come on, just BREATHE!" The yell echoes through the gallery and Taehyung coughs, finally being to inhale a long ragged breath in. His face takes a while to come to a normal colour, whilst his chest continues falling up and down at a ragged speed.

At last, some relief.

"God, I mean I know you can't die here in the gallery, but I still don't like looking at you like that" Daehan breathes out, running a hand over his forehead. "So chill out"

"You're a dick" Taehyung pants out, not moving from his position on the floor, "You're the one doing this to me anyway".

"Not me. Your in-between. I'm not the one causing you pain Taehyung".

"Whatever" he says more to himself than to his cousin. The love that he felt now was immense. It was always so terribly confusing when he got back and this happened because he felt love towards all of the guys he had met. He remembered all of the lives they had, all of the love they shared and why he loved that particular person.

Of course Jimin's was the freshest. He felt so connected to him, and to have thoughts of other men, yet again, well it made him a little sad. Like he wasn't being honest or fair to any of them. They deserved to be loved fully, and not have love be split between 5 different guys.

And there was still one more to go? Ouch.

"One more to go" Taehyung whispers to himself again.

"One more to go" Daehan confirms.

"Only one. That sounds so weird to admit. I've had five great loves already. How can the last match up?"

"Haven't you thought that about every single one that you've been to?"

"I guess so" Taehyung says, now that he sat up on the floor. "I never thought after Namjoon I could love someone the same. And then...from them on I've just loved them all"

"Mm. I can see when you come back now, you don't yell to go back to that life" Daehan pointed out.

Taehyung can't help but roll his eyes at that. "Cos I know you won't let me go back anyway and it's up to me. If I want him, I can choose him".

"And who do you choose?" Daehan asks in curiosity.

"I haven't...I mean, I don't know 100% yet. I still have one more to go. For all we know it might be him. He could be the one. He might change it all"

"He might" Daehan confirms.

"But god life with Jimin was so..."

"So what?"

"It was so nice. I was so content. I was happy. We were matched so well. He was my person. We weren't rich. But we did what we loved. And just..."

"You're so in love"

"I really freaking am" Taehyung breaths out. At last he gets to his feet, and dusts off anything on the back of his jeans.

"And what about Jin?"

Taehyung closes his eyes and places his hand over his heart. "I love him so much. He was my husband. I adore him".


At the memory Taehyung smiles, eyes still closed. "My happy boy. He was living his life. He was so excited at everything. He made me happy. He made everything an experience. I've never had that before. I love him".

"This is really not looking too good for you" Daehan sniggers.

"You're such an ass. You're enjoying this. My pain"

"Not the pain! And I wouldn't say I'm enjoying this. After all soon you'll have a difficult choice to make".

"Let's not waste any more time then"

"I mean it's still 9:30pm" Daehan mutters

"Shut up. I'll just...choose the last one".

Taehyun looks over a the decision painting and the last sentence glimmering upon it.

One last one. This was it. He drags the pad of his forefinger over the sentence and watches it change.

If I had gone for a coffee with the guy who asked me out

A painting appears in front of him. The gold frame the same as always whilst the canvas itself was silver with little sparkles of glitter through it.

He closes his eyes and waits for the last time for the gallery to place him in his last life.

The first thing that he feels is complete and utter heat. And the first thing he hears is waves.

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