The First Time

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Warning this chapter will contain smut. Sexy times. And I'm gonna assume it's heavy. Possibly detailed.

If you are under 18 or too uncomfortable with reading such content please just skip this chapter. The sex parts will be blocked off with x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

Please read the last part of the chapter if you do skip the sex, as it will be a segway onto the next chapter. It'll be after the second x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

The day Taehyung decided to finally sleep with Namjoon, for some reason his boyfriend seemed in a really good mood.

Almost as if he knew what Taehyung was planning. Which he didn't since Tae hasn't said a word.

But he prepared Taehyung a nice and simple breakfast which he gave to him as he was sitting by the little white table by the window. The window that showed them the whole city of Seoul. Taehyung almost felt like he could grasp it with his whole hand.

Which was a new feeling. He had never felt so powerful. Being with Namjoon in this life showed Taehyung what love was.

Namjoon cared for him. He dedicated his books to him. He held his hand in the car, and caressed his cheek as he fell asleep.

Most importantly though he felt proud. Taehyung felt proud of the person Namjoon was. He was so passionate about his work, his heart was always shown in every word written. He was so kind and sweet to everyone.

Taehyung had met a few people over his course in this life and they had nothing bad to say about Namjoon whatsoever.

Taehyung felt proud to be his boyfriend. And he could say that with his whole chest. He felt it expanding every time he was around him. Namjoon was so gentle and so kind to him as well. Taehyung has never felt more cared for. Which is why he knew it was time to sleep together. His body and mind were yearning for him.

At around 9pm Namjoon told Taehyung that he's off to take a shower. He leaned down to press his lips against Taehyung's forehead before walking off.

Taehyung couldn't help but have his eyes follow him. He was wearing black sweat pants and a grey t-shirt but those sweats really accentuated his thighs. Oh god Taehyung's mind was straying.

He had gotten signals from Namjoon before but he turned him down. He wasn't ready. But now...he was.

So he gave it maybe 5 minutes, wanting to hear the shower running, before also making his way into the bathroom.


He opened the door very slowly, not wanting to startle Namjoon although the sound of the shower would have probably dulled it out anyway.

The air inside is warm and steamy, making Taehyung want to shed his clothes asap.

He shuts the door behind him, and allows his eyes to rest on Namjoon inside of the shower. Their own shower is large and very fancy so they could easily both fit in there.

Namjoon's body is shockingly beautiful. His back is currently turned to Tae, with his hands combing through his blonde wet locks, this way though, Taehyung can appreciate his body in silence for a second.

His thighs are big and muscly, the same as his strong arms. His ass is round and plump, and for a moment Tae feels bad but he remembers that the reality here is that he is his boyfriend. He's allowed to look. Namjoon's back muscles glisten as the water cascades down, covering his whole body. Like a small waterfall travelling between all of the crevices.

Taehyung was in a trance. Luckily something in him woke up him. His clothes ended up on the floor in no time, and yes he did feel a little nervous. After all Namjoon hadn't seen him naked yet, he managed to avoid that until now.

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