The Choice

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The first thing he feels is nausea. Heat. Dryness.

Taehyung awakes, so suddenly, and coughs his lungs out the second he can breathe. The air fills his lungs, but my god he feels disgusting. It takes him a second to realise where he is or what is happening.

The pill bottle near him makes him remember. He had tried to kill himself. It hadn't worked. Although the amount he took should have definitely worked. Ah

Wait. The Gallery. Was that...was that all a dream?

Taehyung doesn't have time to think because his stomach is dictating his next moves. The poor boy rushes to the toilet, holding onto the bowl like his life depended on it, whilst the contents of his stomach emptied into it. He retches over and over again, sweat covering his back and forehead from the effort it took.

Once he's done, he leans against the bathroom wall and focuses on his breathing, yet again having to get that back to normal. He stinks. And his breath is gross. So on weak legs, he decides to get into his shower, sitting down in the cabin instead whilst the water covers his whole body. He brushes his teeth in there too, and finally takes his time to think about what had happened.

He was back in his miserable life. The life with no happiness, no positivity, no friends. This was the life he chose to leave. But apparently he had been given a chance. A chance to find love, and not even that, a chance to choose his love.

Some part of him didn't believe it was real. Even when he left his shower, and dried his hair fully, he was still in shock. Some part of him was ridiculously sceptical of the whole thing. In his core life, or, in this life, Taehyung was a pessimist.

Some time passes, and he realised he hadn't even checked the time.

It was only when he saw the number go from 21:30 to 21:31 suddenly that it clicked for him. The time had just changed. He had killed himself at half past nine. He had been back a while. Had showered already, and yet only now did a minute actually pass.


He remembered this. He remembered looking down at his cousins phone, with the time changing just the way it did now, and the name of his chosen love written right there, black on white. Of course on his phone the name wasn't there. But he remembered this. He remembered the gallery. Could it be true? It was worth finding out.

If it meant he could find his love. If he could be with that man once more, talk to him, see him, kiss him, then it was worth it.

So Taehyung puts on one of his grey hoodies, jeans and heads out of the door. The sun is still setting. As it's summer, the sun sets late so the sky is currently a mix of oranges, and reds.

He stops for a second to inhale once he is out of his apartment. Sure he loved the sky before he tried to die, but somehow right now, the sky moved him. He thought it was the excitement. The knowledge that possibly his soulmate could be anywhere here.

He felt nervous of course. But he also felt like this was his time. So he inhales once more and starts heading in no particular direction. There aren't many people out on the streets. He appreciates that.

Taehyung puts both of his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and just walks. How was he meant to do this. Where was he meant to go? Daehan said he would know.

He walks slowly. Taking his time just in case his soulmate was meant to pop out of nowhere suddenly. He doesn't want to miss the opportunity, should it arrive. Was this silly? Was this pointless? Was he wishing for something that won't happen?

But that clock changing... well that was enough for him to indicate that surely something was meant to happen. He could feel it. Something was about to change. His life felt different. His heart beat with excitement for the possibility of what he could have. For the first time he felt excited. He felt nervous but the good kind. He felt eager and happy. 

He's in thought, terribly so, that he doesn't notice a person walking right towards him.


It was only when he heard that voice when he looked up.

It takes him a second to focus but finally he met those eyes. Those eyes he's seen before. The love he felt for this man floods his entire body once more. It's strong. It's scary. But it's there.

"Oh my god. It's you..."

The end.


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