Part II ~ V

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*this part is in present tense unlike the other parts. Enjoy!

Ben Pov

Padme told me a little about this Sawyer person so we are going to meet him. He seams like a good enough guy for her. Well he's a Jedi so I presume that - all she and Rey told me was that he was a Jedi, lived on his own mostly as his parents weren't around often and sold fruit in the market. 

*knock knock* 

A boy with brown hair and few freckles opens the door. He looks around 19 and tall, but not my height and has Jedi robes on . 

"So you must be the Sawyer I've heard so much about." I put my hand out for him to shake. He does so awkwardly and says, "Ben right?" 

"You would be correct."

"It's nice to meet you. Would you two like to come in?"

"That would be nice." . His house is quite tidy, for living on his own most of the time that is. We are guided to his living room and ushered to sit down. Padme sits next him and says, "Sawyer this is my dad. He wanted to meet you as he knows about the baby! He's fine with it and wanted to see who the dad would be." 

"I'm glad that you are fine with it master. And it's such a pleasure to meet one of the most famous Jedi - apart from my great granddad of course."

"Who?" I ask, confused. 

He looks at me weirdly and replies, "Obi Wan Kenobi?"

"What! Padme didn't tell me he is your great granddad. That's so cool." He chuckles and mumbles, "Yeah it is." 

We were talking for hours until one familiar conversation came up.

"What I don't understand is how you are dead, but alive. Like normally a force ghost can't do  human things."

In the corner of my eye I see Padme giggle and I ask, "What?"

"It's just that everyone asks that," she replies.

"If you don't want to answer it's ok."

"No it's fine. So. Me and Rey have a force bond as you know. So that means we are two halves of one soul, meaning until she dies I cannot fully. I am stuck in the world between worlds which means I can do most things a human can, except use the force. And only force ghost users can see me so when Rey's friends -Poe and Connix- come over, they cannot see me therefore have to ask every three seconds where I am. It's quite funny except Finn will always tell them so I can't have fun with it."

He laughs and asks another question. "Is it alright if I ask a even more personal question?" I nod and he continues, "I've talked to direct family, like Obi Wan and his children - my grandparents- and obviously my parents. But I never knew Leia or them lot. Are they nice? Like what was Leia like as a mum? Does Anankin actually hate sand?"

I smile at that last comment and I think Padme does too. "Well, Leia was very controlling. But in a good way. For example - she would make sure you behaved and did all your chores. She would only shout if it's necessary, and she knew if she was getting to controlling she would have a breather. And yes, Anakin hates sand."

"How about you see them now, I'm sure they're not doing anything." Padme suggests. 

He looks unsure, as if he's scared. I know how he feels. When I first saw mum after becoming Ben I was scared, worried of what she would say. I know he really wants to but doesn't have the courage. 

"That's a good idea; how about we see them now?" I say enthusiastically. Padme stands up and drags Sawyer off the sofa and we walk back to the fields by our house. "One sec, let go ask them." I say before disappearing and then reappearing in the force world.

I search for a bit to see if I can find Leia. She is the person that organizes everyone, putting everyone in place you may say. She is the one to show any new people around and introduces them to people you may like - and she's mostly correct. The fact that Anakin and Obi Wan have been here fore like fifty years and still don't have a lot of power is so funny.  

The force 'heaven', you may hear people say, is a very strange place. It's just like any other 'heaven'; it has the big pearly gates at the entrance and a being to check you in. But it's also different. There are no angels, no god, no cloud like homes. It's very similar to back home. You get different areas, sort of mocking different planets. There's a forest area, mimicking Endor, a temperate area with massive houses, like Naboo, and many more. It is so big I haven't seen it all in the nineteen years I've been here. 

It does have a queen/king though. They mostly rein until they nominate someone to take their place, but some are liked more than others -therefore reining for a longer/shorter amount of time. The citizens of each area will choose the senate, e.g. Sola is the senate of the Naboo area. Padme would be, but she's the Queen so she can't be. It's nice knowing most people here. I go to meetings discussing important issues, along with mum. At first people didn't trust me however now I'm in charge of Chandrila and kind of work with Padme if she needs help, not that it happens often.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, finding mum. I find her near the entrance talking to Sola. 

"Hey mum! Can I ask you a question quickly?"  

She excuses her self from the conversation and walks closer to me. "What is it? You sound like you're in a hurry." 

"Well you know about Padme, have you met the father yet?" 

"No, she was the one who told us. I do know he's related to Obi Wan though"

"Well yes he is, and he wants to meet you as you are technically family now. Is that alright?" 

"Yes, that's wonderful. Who else is coming?"

I think for a second. Who else? Well he will probably only want to meet the people he's hear of. "Luke, Padme and Anakin. Oh and of course Obi Wan." 

Leia gathers them all and we go into the human world.

Hey! Please tell me what you think and I hope you enjoyed!

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