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The first day with Renjun was okay, they have learned much about each other and made a pact, though, Renjun is the most protective out of the two of them.

Hence, he was also understanding about Jeno saying he can't come over to his house as of now, he knows the raven haired didn't want him to do any business with his stepbrother and stepmother.

They waved goodbye and he watches Jeno going in to his house and continues to walk home after that, he did notice the empty parking lot and Jeno explained Donghyuck was probably at football practice or something.

Jeno was about to dash through the kitchen and go to his room before seeing anyone, but to his dismay, his stepmother was home, she must've have the night shift today. Atleast it's easy to leave later.

"Darling, you're home," her annoyingly sweet tone greets him, he pursed his lips and nodded as he grabs a pack of chips, he hears her click her tongue and panics when she walks over.

She glares at him and slaps his face, "speak to me you freak," he winces and bites his lip.

"Hello mother," he whispers, she huffs and was about to grab him by the ear but the sound of the door opening and shut was heard.

"I'm home!" Ah, Donghyuck was home, his stepmother moves away and suddenly smiles at her son, she walks up to him and opens her arms.

Donghyuck hugs his mom and kissed her cheek, "Hi sweetie," she says.

Donghyuck pulls away and smiles, "hi mom," he then rolls his eyes at the sight of Jeno, "sup loser," the raven haired bites his tongue before he could say something he'll regret.

Their mom grabs her bag from the counter, "I'll be back tomorrow morning darling, mommy will go to work now okay?" She kissed Donghyuck's cheek and the boy nodded obediently with a pout.

She works at a business company somewhere around the city and works a lot, the only thing Jeno likes about her. "Don't worry, I'll bring you back some presents," she smiles.

Donghyuck brightens up and hugs his mom before walking her to the door, Jeno took that as getaway and rushes to his room before he shuts the door and locks it.

He hears them bidding their goodbyes and hears the TV on, he looks at the time and sees that he has a few more minutes left before leaving to the bar.

He finishes his homework quickly and his chips, he throws the empty bag to the bin and changes his clothes to an even bigger hoodie and some sweatpants.

He doesn't bother to shower since he'll be dirty later on anyway, his cracked phone lights up and he checks it, a message from Renjun.


Goodluck on your shift tonight Jen! Keep safe for me yeah?


Thanks injun! And of course, you too :)

He sighs and turns his phone off before grabbing a large coat and some other necessities. He makes sure the door to his room was locked and pushes his small dresser to block it.

Faketationship ꨄ︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now