It's Just An Act

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I sort of rhymed a lot in this and didn't notice until I checked lmao


Jeno hasn't really seen Jaemin in a few days, well specifically have not interacted with the latter that much for the past few days. Yes, they're still acting, but only for a little bit and they both part ways.

Jeno was too busy with his life right now, he had to do extra shifts here and there and had to come home either before school starts or get caught.

Which almost happened considering Donghyuck was up at 5 five in the morning for some reason while Jeno had to finish another session with his client before the man could do any more. Yes, he did leave said man there in room 3 who was drunk as fuck.

Renjun has helped him with it all. He helped him clean up, also gave some foundation, helped him with the assignments or school work that he's struggling with especially since he drifts off to sleep most of the time and helped him make excuses whenever he got in trouble for something.

He was grateful of course, even though he has told Renjun that he didn't have to do these things and that he can manage, the older insisted and went all big bro mode on him.

Meanwhile, Jaemin was busy with football practice since there's another match soon and with his plans for getting Hana back. Apparently, Jeongin was still in the team and let's just say there was tension whenever they practice.


Jeno walks out of the bathroom after he finished doing his business and also because four guys went in to smoke weed or vandalize the walls instead of going to class.

He didn't mind them, they weren't the pervert types or people he had to distance himself away from. None of that, in fact, they were somewhere the title of 'friends' if you will.

He knows those guys are just skipping class because they often get humiliated and one of them has bipolar disorder, which means if they were at the bathroom getting high, the boy has been triggered or something.

Jeno and them were a bit similar, in a way. So he didn't really have a problem with them, they weren't perverts nor bad people. They're actually nice and had helped him in some days when they can.

But he needed to get back to class, so he gave them a wave and a smile as they did the same before taking out a packet of weed, he would've loved to have atleast one but not for now.

The raven haired walks to the stairs and stops when he passes by the janitors closet and heard some sounds. He furrowed his eyebrows and tried to think nothing of it.

Yet of course, curiosity won over priority.

He tests the doorknob first to see if it's locked before turning it to the side so he could open the door. He gasps at the sight and almost felt like running away.

He froze on his spot to see Jaemin shirtless and Hana making out, hands all over each other as lips were molded together.

Jeno couldn't move and watched as the two finally noticed him and stopped. Jaemin quickly puts his shirt back on as Hana fixes her hair but had a small grin on her face before walking out of the closet and towards her supposed class.

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