Glow up?

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This is bullcrap, Jeno wants to change his clothes and wear what he usually wears. But he made a promise, and he's not usually one to break it, so he stares at himself at the mirror and trying to fix his hair.

 But he made a promise, and he's not usually one to break it, so he stares at himself at the mirror and trying to fix his hair

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He goes to his drawer and apply some foundation on his neck and collarbone hiding the hickeys that he got the previous night. He packs his eyeglasses in its case and puts it in his bag along with his face mask just in case.

The raven haired looks at himself at the mirror one more time, "this is horrible," he said to himself as he scrunched his nose.

A honk was heard making him flinch from the loud noise, he slaps himself to snap out of it and grabs his things before leaving. He goes downstairs and sees Donghyuck eating his breakfast and earning a glare.

He just rolled his eyes and left ignoring the latter's scolding. He sees Jaemin's car and gets in the passengers seat as he puts on his seatbelt.

Jeno waits for a few seconds and realizes that they weren't moving yet, he raised a brow and turns to Jaemin to see the boy looking at him with mouth agape, "what?" He asked.

Jaemin blinks before clearing his throat, "nothing," he shakes his head, "you just," he paused, "you look cute," he said with a smile.

Jeno felt his cheeks heat up and mumbles a thank you before turning back around as Jaemin drives to their school.


Jeno gulps as Jaemin opens his door, he steps out and sees a few people staring at them again. The caramel haired takes his hand in his and entwined their fingers as they walk in the building.

The raven haired clutches Jaemin's hand unconsciously as he hid behind the boy's shoulder while they head to his locker, he hears people gasping and whispering as they took their phones out.

"No way, is that Lee Jeno?"

"Oh shit, He's pretty cute, or maybe both of those,"

"That's the school's loser? Bitch I think the school's cutie,"

"Did he got some glow up or something? Or was he always pretty?"

"Fuck those pigs and monkeys, I'd smash him–"

"Is that the Lee Jeno you told me? You didn't say he was cute,"

"Jaemin really got some upgrade,"

Jaemin leads them to Jeno's locker as the boy was trying to hide in his oversized clothes and Jaemin's built body.

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