Satan's Play

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Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter, I wanna like have some fun or something like that with y'all.

Also, for some reason, this is one of my faves chapters lmao even though this is trash.


Jeno woke up by the alarm clock, he rubbed his eyes and stood up to start his morning routine.

It was a Monday, and of course he couldn't forget what had happened between him and Jaemin on that party.

Jaemin had drove him home after and gave him a peck on the lips before heading off whilst Jeno was blushing and smiling brightly.

Jaemin had drove him home after and gave him a peck on the lips before heading off whilst Jeno was blushing and smiling brightly

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He packs his backpack and heads out his room meeting Donghyuck downstairs at the kitchen, "morning," he beamed.

His stepbrother gave him a weird look ignoring the pancake he was making that has just burnt on the pan, "morning, cute outfit," the elder greeted back.

Jeno hummed as Donghyuck placed the pancakes mixed with the burnt ones on their plates and sat down across from the younger.

The raven haired immediately digged in on their breakfast not even complaining about the burnt parts whilst his sibling was just watching him slowly.

"Okay, what's up with you?" Donghyuck asked placing their dishes on the dishwasher right as they finished their breakfast.

Jeno raised a brow, "what do you mean?" He asked not getting the clue whilst the two heads out towards Donghyuck's car.

"You're just so– happy? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're like smiling and all." Donghyuck starts, "but it's just, sudden? I guess?" He said.

Jeno chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, "I just have a good feeling and the morning was great as well, like mom wasn't there, so," he said.

Donghyuck laughed and nodded in agreement, "yup, mom went to work early, dad had an errand to go to," he said as the two continued to talk.


Seems like Satan wanted to play today.

Or either God just hates him, like everyone else does.

Jeno didn't know if he should expected this or not. I mean, there was a possibility, and he blames himself for it too.

This is what exactly happened.

The raven haired met his best friend on his locker who looked slightly anxious, "okay, I know that look. Tell me now," he demanded whilst getting his books.

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