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"Dad," He cries and runs up to his father who had a big smile on his face. They hugged each other tight as Jeno cries on his father's chest.

They haven't seen each other for months and Jeno has been in hell for quite awhile without his father. Although Renjun had helped him and had been on his side since they met, he still misses his father dearly.

They pull away with Jeno still clinging onto his dad. The latter chuckled and ruffled his hair, "how's my little boy doing?" He asked.

Jeno sniffled and wipes his nose with the back of his hand as his father leads them to the couch, "awful," he sighed, "but I made a new friend, a trusted one," he smiled.

His father smiled and turns on the TV, "how about school? How are your grades?" He asked again as he flipped through the channels.

Jeno pursed his lips, "I'm trying my best, and Renjun helps me a lot," he smiled once his father raised a brow from the first sentence.

The elder hummed, "atleast you're not failing, I don't mind if you're not an honor y'know? The important thing is you're able to graduate," he reassures.

Jeno nodded with a sheepish grin. This is why he loves his dad so much, he doesn't get upset when he doesn't have the highest scores, the highest grades, one of the top honors.

As long as he's not failing and he'll be able to graduate, that's fine. He knows his father is very supportive and proud on whatever he does unless it was actually wrong.

They talk for awhile with Jeno asking about his dad's work and vice versa. Except, they don't talk about Jeno's work at the bar, Donghyuck and his stepmom's negative treatment and most definitely about his so called relationship.

No, none of that. His dad is home and Jeno doesn't want him to stress and worry just because of his struggles. Renjun was already dragged into it, he doesn't need his parent to be in it as well.

Jeno kisses his father on the cheek before he says goodnight and heads upstairs. He walks pass Donghyuck's room and stops when the door opens.

Donghyuck scoffed at the sight of him making the raven haired roll his eyes, "just a reminder," the former glares and steps out to head to the staircase, "just because your father is home doesn't mean you're safe."

The tanned male goes downstairs to the kitchen to get some midnight snacks. Jeno sighed and walks in to his room and locks the door before falling face flat on the mattress and gets knocked out completely tired.


It was weird eating breakfast together, it always is. Jeno didn't want to eat together in the same table with Donghyuck and his stepmother early in a school morning.

It just ruins his mood everytime, but he had to, his father wanted to have a family breakfast together and even insisted on driving both of his sons to school like in the old days.

Jeno didn't want to upset him, so he sat there eating quickly and washing his dishes before anyone else finished first. His stepmother didn't fail to butt in some insults while he ate.

Like how he's too thin and should eat more, how he looks like a stick and his eyebags are really visible, Donghyuck even snickered at one of them making Jeno want to leave as quickly as possible.

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