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"So what did you wanna share?" Jeno asked sitting on his bed as Renjun flopped down across from him.

The older sighed, "did you remember how I got so worried and a bit upset when you and Jaemin were supposedly dating?," he asked.

Jeno hummed and crosses his legs, "fake dating," he corrects and Renjun chuckled. He doesn't use the word fake a lot but now he does, it's unavoidable when it's about him and Jaemin's "relationship."

"Yeah, fake dating," Renjun snorted as Jeno rolled his eyes with a smile. He sighed again and bit the inside of his cheek, "because I was worried you would get hurt and go through what I did." He said.

Jeno raised a brow with a 'huh?' and he crawls closer to lean his face with curiosity in his eyes as he looks at his friend.

Renjun laughed at his silliness and cuteness as he pushed his face away with Jeno still confused and pouting.

He pats his friend's head and clicked his tongue, "my last relationship," he starts and Jeno already understood what he meant. "Was like this, we fake dated and he got what he wanted while mine didn't last," he smiled bitterly.

The older tsked at the memory, "he got his lover, I got peace but it didn't last long." He paused and looks at Jeno, "It felt like I was still in war whenever I see them together, I see red and at the same time sadness," he smiled forcefully.

Jeno frowned and held his friend's hand, "I just got worried you'll go through what I did and not get to live life like you expected it to be, you're like a brother to me so I care a lot."

The younger leans his head on Renjun's chest as the boy ran his fingers through his black hair, "because you already suffered enough and I just don't want you to give up because you're so strong Jen," he sighed.

Jeno looks up and wipes the tear that ran down Renjun's cheek, "I don't like him anymore, I like someone else but too afraid that it would happen again," the older said.

The raven haired nodded, "you don't have to rush things if you don't wanna, if that boy knows you like him then he should wait for you," he reassured.

Renjun smiled and Jeno can't help but ask, "wait, so who is it?" He tilted his head.

The older laughed at him and flicked his forehead making him yelp and lean back muttering a 'meanie' as he hugged his pillow tight.

"What if I told you that special someone is who you're not close with?" Renjun tested.

Jeno gasps, "you like my stepbrother?" He widens his eyes, "wow," he breathes out.

Renjun facepalms, "sorry I didn't know you'd get that quick, and I hope you're not mad for me liking your stepbrother," he sighed.

Jeno shook his head and smacks the pillow at Renjun who yelped and rubs his arm, "no no no no no," he said hastily. "I don't really care, you can like whoever you want but I'm just shocked," he chuckled.

Renjun rolled his eyes and smacks his arm earning a squeak, "shut up, your stepbrother's a bitch but that's what we have in common," he snorts.

Faketationship ꨄ︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now