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Jeno packs his stuff in his bag as a few other students have already rushed out of the classroom. He really loved French, he really did.

But when he can't focus because people kept staring at him, whispering about him, even trying to flirt with him. All he wanted was to leave the damn room.

French was the last subject for today in his schedule. Renjun had Visual Arts today, so unfortunately he was alone for the whole period.

The raven haired grabs his stuff as one of his classmates shyly gave him a note, he takes it and gave a kind smile not wanting to be rude even though he wasn't interested.

The note was a cut out heart shaped scented paper in color rose gold, the glitter of the paper stained his skin, but he didn't mind. The handwriting was neat and the words were sweet.

But again, he isn't interested. So he just inserts it in his backpack and heads to the room door. There were still a few people inside, probably waiting until they get kicked out by the teacher.

Jeno looks up from his shoes when he heard whispers, he saw Jaemin leaning against the doorway with his hands inside his pockets. He raised a brow and approached the boy.

"What are you doing here?" Jeno whispered with a bite in his tone. Jaemin chuckled and pulled him by the arm before wrapping his own on the raven's waist.

The caramel haired leaned in to kiss his forehead making him scrunch his nose, "can't I pick up my boyfriend after class?" He teased and smirked when people were staring at them in shock and intrigued.

Jeno scoffed as the older leaned in to his ear, "you gotta act here sweetheart, be more believable will you?" he whispered before pulling back with a wink.

The raven rolled his eyes and adjusted his bag, "whatever," he mutters and walked ahead, passing Jaemin as he left the latter at the doorway.

Jaemin catches up to him and pulls his hand, "you're really bad at acting," he comments, "atleast be more believable," he adds as he entwined their fingers together.

Jeno bits the inside of his cheeks, "I'll act when I want to," he protests and gave a quick smile to someone who greeted him, still not used to the attention, "plus, I've been acting for years, don't underestimate me."

That made Jaemin raised a brow, dumbfounded on what the boy meant.


Jeno doesn't remember why he got here, hell he doesn't remember why the hell he agreed to go here.

They were at the mall, with Jaemin and his friends. Renjun was luckily the bestest friend he ever had, or well the first best friend he ever has.

The boy had heard about the group planning to hang out at the mall and decided to join in to also accompany the raven haired.

All Jeno remembered was he was in the living room watching TV and then the next, Jaemin barges in to his house and told him to get changed.

The older basically dragged him here, he doesn't want to be here at all. He could've been laying down on the couch and sleep or eat all day since he had a tough shift.

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