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Jeno gets up and wobbles a little as he grabs his clothes that were thrown on the ground and puts them back on before taking the money that the man had left for him.

He opens the door and glances at his client rolling his eyes when he heard him snore like a pig before taking his leave.

He checks his phone to look at the time and sighed, 6:01 am it shows. Guess he can't take a rest for today or he'll be late.

He hurries to get back home and sneaks through the window changing into clothes that weren't revealing and opens his drawer.

He widens his eyes when he noticed he doesn't have any makeup to cover his marks, he begins to panic as he rushes to Donghyuck's room and maybe borrow some of the boy's makeup.

Jeno opens and closes every cabinet or possible containers that has a single makeup to cover his hickeys, but found none.

He groans and rushes back to his room grabbing one of his big sweaters putting it on and checks himself on the mirror.

He groans and rushes back to his room grabbing one of his big sweaters putting it on and checks himself on the mirror

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"Good enough," he told himself before rushing to get his schoolbag stuffing his homework inside and heads out.

"What's with the sweater, Jen? It's hot outside today," his father said curiously when he passed by heading towards the door.

Jeno stops and turns his head shooting a small smile, "I-uh just like to wear sweaters," he said scratching his nape.

Seeing his father not convinced at his excuse, he pursed his lips, "I have a t-shirt underneath, I'll take it off later. I just like big clothes," he said.

His father hums before nodding his head seemingly buying it. He sighed in relief when the adult waves him off heading back to the kitchen, "well have fun in school!" He said.

The raven haired chuckled, "bye dad!" He yells back before opening the door and abruptly stops when he meets his stepmother at the pathway. "Hi mom," he mumbled.

The lady scans his outfit with her eyes trailing up and down before squinting it with a judging glare, "wearing like a slut now." She scoffed, "tsk, should've known you were a whore."

Jeno bit his lip trying to hold back a sob as his eyes began tearing up, "whatever, if you get a disease or get pregnant we'll kick you out," his stepmom adds before heading in.

The boy sighed and wipes his tears away before continuing to walk his way to school with his stepmother's words lingering in his head.

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