Win or Lose?

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~Time skip because I'm an idiot lmao~

Also Dunno how football really works so bare with meeee


Jeno hated going out, unless if it's for his job. He never went to parties nor any school events and even though the teacher said some of them are required or their attendance is, he would just sneak out and go somewhere else.

Thus, when it was football season, he of course decided on staying home to either study or laze around. Donghyuck was going obviously, he's part of the team, while his stepmother is having a business trip for a week.

He has done this since freshman year, but now he's in his Junior year, he has forgotten he had made a new friend.

So when he was about to grab some chips and a book to read after he has finished homework, his lovely friend, Renjun, called him.

"Hello?" Jeno answers as he tried to open the bag of chips.

"Jen, let's go to the football match," by the mention of this, Jeno teared the bag open harshly making a mess.

"I'm sorry, what?" The younger asked baffled as he grabbed a fallen chip from his bed, it's still clean anyways.

Renjun sighed, "Listen," he paused, "I love you and all and I also know you despised the thought of going out of your house unless if it's something else, I think we should atleast go to one before we graduate y'know?"

Jeno munches on his chip, "Why can't we just laze around? You can come over you know?" He shrugs even though the elder can't see it.

He heard a tsk before Renjun spoke again, "I know that, but I'm like, bored I guess?" He paused, "I don't know, I just want to try going to one or something, I do like watching hotties fight over some ball," he chuckles.

Jeno rolled his eyes with a smile, he learned Renjun had a bad breakup but was also boy crazy, the elder can be nice and can be bitchy, depends on how you treat him.

The raven haired ponders for awhile, unsure. I mean, he is bored in the house, he doesn't have a shift today at the bar, he already read the book he picked and finished his homework, plus what if, "will you buy me food?"

Renjun snickers, "Fine, whatever," Jeno smiled excitedly, "just be sure to come with, it's about to start in a few," he pouted but listened anyways.

"Alright," he nodded out of habit, "pick me up please," he said licking his fingers that were covered with powdered cheese.

Renjun laughed, "will do, see ya Jen," he said before the line went dead. Jeno sighed and walked to his closet.

He really doesn't know what to wear since he doesn't have much clothes, normally he saw other siblings borrowing each other's clothes, but in his and Donghyuck's whatever it is called, can't have that.

He took a sniff on himself and nodded with a hum, he still smells good, he had a bath when he got home and is glad the scent of strawberries and mint are still there.

He finally picks an outfit and tries it on.

He finally picks an outfit and tries it on

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