Stupid Idea

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"You're going to what?!" Renjun screams through the phone making Jeno pull the device away from his ear.

He sighs, "we're going to fake date to make Hana jealous," he said and could hear Renjun stress out across the line.

"That's stupid," Renjun comments making Jeno chuckles and looks at his star themed wall.

"I know," Jeno mumbles, it was what he was thinking about before and after he gave in.

"He's stupid, and I'm going to punch him for making you stupid, you're smart Jeno-yah," Renjun scoffs and Jeno hummed.

"I know," he plays with his fingers, a habit he does whenever he feels anxious, sometimes even begins to bite them though they still look pretty.

Renjun sighed longingly, "well, if it's too much or there's something wrong and you wanna talk about it, you can always tell me okay?" He reassures.

Jeno pursed his lips, "of course," he smiles a little and hears Renjun lets out a relaxed breath.

They continue to talk for the rest of the day since both of them are bored and it's a Sunday.


Jaemin rings the doorbell and waits for someone to get it, a few minutes later Donghyuck opens the door.

"Hey dude," the boy greets as they fist bumped, Donghyuck lets Jaemin in and they head to the living room.

Donghyuck knows about Jaemin's plan of being in a fake relationship, heck, their main group knows about it. Except, they don't know who it is just yet.

"So, who's the guy or gal?" Donghyuck asked grabbing a knife and potatoes, he doesn't really know or likes to cook, he just orders something or his mom would leave some food for him.

Jeno knows how to cook, but he doesn't really do it much often since he would get in trouble for using the ingredients and "wasting food" as if there's going to be nothing left for them.

So he usually just eats chips or leftover bread, one time he got grounded because he cooked the pasta they were going to eat for dinner, but the thing is that he cooked plenty for the three of them.

Since Renjun transferred, thanks to him, he'd leave Jeno an extra lunchbox for him to eat for dinner before going home.

Jaemin watched as Donghyuck was thinking what else to do by grabbing his IPad and search the Internet, "well it's a he and his name is-"

Footsteps were then heard and they turn around to see a raven haired boy with glasses, they all froze in their spots.

Donghyuck froze because Jaemin wasn't supposed to see Jeno, his stepbrother.

Jeno froze because he didn't expect any guests, oh and because he doesn't have a fucking mask on.

Jaemin froze because he didn't expect to see Jeno, in Donghyuck's house and because of the raven's beautiful face.

The caramel haired boy stares as Jeno begins to panic, he looks at Jaemin then to his stepbrother to see him now glaring. He's in big trouble.

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