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Jeno stood at the gate waiting for Jaemin nervously, he fiddled with his self-made cheap ass bracelet on his wrist and tried to ignore a few cat calls from people passing by.

He's still not used to the attention, and he doesn't think he will. It'll just stress him out or even worst, psych him out.

Finally, he saw a glimpse of a familiar caramel blob of hair in the sea of students. He waves his hand quickly not liking to seek attention.

Jaemin sees his hand and walks over to him, but what made Jeno slightly confused yet also a little annoyed and anxious was that the quarterback was walking with Hana.

He brushes the feelings to the side as Jaemin greets him, "so where are we exactly going?" He asked leading Jeno to the bicycle parking area.

"Just somewhere down the street, I'll tell you the directions," Jeno answered and tilted his head when they approached a bicycle that could fit two people.

"Is this yours?" He asked curiously and also a bit of joyfulness in his tone. To his surprise, Jaemin nodded with a hum taking the helmet off of the seat.

Jeno liked bicycles, he used to have one but sadly broke it when he was just 10 years old. He used to bike around the city and also race with his father till the sun has to go down.

He didn't expect Jaemin to be a bicycle person, no offense, because the boy usually drove around with his car or at some of the times he used his black motorcycle.

"How come you never showed this before? Is it new?" Jeno asked quite confused.

The caramel haired shrugged at him, "it's old, Hana didn't like bicycles so that's why I usually use my car or motorcycle." He said truthfully.

"Why doesn't she like them?" The raven haired asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Jaemin chuckled, "she said it's too embarrassing or something," he said nonchalantly.

Jeno gasps audibly with his eyes looking like dolls and somehow, it made Jaemin's stomach feel weird and giddy.

"But they're cool!" Jaemin chuckled again at his comment before handing him the helmet. "Is there only one?" Jeno asked.

Jaemin nodded taking the bicycle out of his spot setting it up, "you should wear it, I'll be okay." He insisted.

Jeno pouted as Jaemin sat down on the seat and gestures for him to get behind, "but you're driving this thing!" He said.

The older snorted at him, "relax, it's not like I'll go crazy or something. Do you really believe that 'driver's are usually the ones to die' shit?"

He laughed when Jeno paused but his eyebrows were furrowed, "it's a bicycle, not a racecar. And I'm obviously sober, so sit."

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