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Jeno wakes up early and gets ready, he was lucky enough that he didn't have a shift yesterday night and slept early than he normally does.

He grabs his stuff and turns the lights off in his room, he walks downstairs and grabs a granola bar from the kitchen and walks out of the house as he takes a bite

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He grabs his stuff and turns the lights off in his room, he walks downstairs and grabs a granola bar from the kitchen and walks out of the house as he takes a bite.

He suddenly stops at the sight of an unfamiliar car in front of his house, he tries to remain calm at the thought of it was some kidnapper waiting for him or something.

The window of the vehicle rolls down in the driver's seat to reveal Jaemin looking at him, "get in," he beckons as Jeno just remained on his spot.

Jaemin sighed and clicked his tongue, "it will be more believable if we go to school together," he shrugs, Jeno puffed out his cheeks clearly not liking the idea of getting in his car before walking to the passenger's side anyway.

The raven haired opens the door and quickly gets in, he slams the door shut as Jaemin glared at him from the action, "what the hell was that for?" The caramel haired gritted through his teeth.

Jeno snaps his head towards him with the same glare, "this will get us attention, too much attention," he hissed under his breath.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, "that's the fucking point," he dismissed and turns back to the front before turning the gear lever back to drive.

Jeno stays quiet as he sends Renjun a quick text about what was about to happen and apologizing he couldn't walk to school with him. The elder replied that it was fine and he be waiting for him in the classroom anyway, wishing him the best of luck as well.

"Do you remember the plan?" Jaemin asked as they were in the school parking lot, the latter finding a free spot as he does so.

Jeno nodded with a sigh as he fixes his sweater, Jaemin hummed in approval and parked his car in an empty spot, he turns off the vehicle and takes out the key. The caramel haired opens the door and walks out.

Jeno gulps as he looks out the window to see a lot of people crowding at them, must be because of Jaemin, pfft obviously. He takes a deep breath as Jaemin walks around the car to his side and opens the door for him.

Jeno slowly steps out of the car and could hear people gasps and began to gossip to each other when Jaemin took his hand in his and entwined them.

Jaemin tugs on his hand as they both walk towards inside the school, and if Jeno were to be asked which one was worst than the parking lot, he would answer the main hallway.

He sees people taking their phones out and recording them as they continue to walk, Jaemin had his posture straight, head held up high, confidence in his aura.

Faketationship ꨄ︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now