Team Spirit

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Jeno walks out of the school building and heads to the football field to watch his "boyfriend" practice before the game tomorrow.

He arrives and sees Jaemin's team practice for a few more as they sweat under the heat from the sun shining above them.

The raven haired sees his bestfriend sitting on one of the benches nearby chatting with Donghyuck for a quick moment before he has to go back to practice.

The cheerleaders were there too of course, "team spirit" as they say.

Donghyuck had to gag from that shitty saying. Renjun had to gag more from their sloppy cheers. Jeno literally puked from their uniform which the other two could understand.

Except, he sometimes can't have say about it even though Renjun said he could. He wears even more revealing clothes than the cheerleaders' anyway.

"I can't believe they're practicing right now even though it's fucking hot out like we're in Arizona, not to mention with those girls ogling at them like they're shitty pompoms," Renjun muttered.

Jeno stifled a laugh at his friend's words even though he was partially true. "You're just mad because the girls have the guts to flirt with your Donghyuck," he snorts.

Renjun blushed but rolled his eyes, "no," he denies.

Jeno laughed aloud at that one, it was too real that it was hilarious for him. He watches as Renjun glares at the cheerleaders and snorts.

The practice ends as the football players did their last meetings and called it a day sending each other good lucks for tomorrow.

Jaemin heads to get his bag which was near the cheerleaders and in a blink of an eye Hana was now talking to him, flirtatiously.

Jeno clicked his tongue in annoyance before Renjun drags him towards Jaemin and Hana, coincidentally Donghyuck was now there too rolling his eyes.

"Good luck with the game tomorrow, Na," Hana said and winked before taking her leave with her hips swaying purposely.

Jaemin bit his lip staring at her figure as Renjun grimaced in disgust, "that's some fake ass she has there." He muttered earning a giggle from Jeno.

Donghyuck snorts when Jaemin glared at the chinese as if to say "shut the fuck up" as Renjun only stuck his tongue out.

Jeno pursed his lips as they leave towards the gates with Jaemin's hand holding his own, "what were you and Hana talking about?" He slipped out.

He mentally slapped himself as Jaemin hummed, "nothing," he shrugged.

Jeno hummed back as he spaced out. He snaps out of it when Donghyuck takes his hand and drags him along, "let's go home," his stepbrother said.

He nodded and waved goodbye at the other two as the siblings heads home. Donghyuck's arm was draped around his shoulders as they walk while the sun was going down.

When they arrived, the sound of an object being smashed and yelling was heard from the inside of their house, they looked at each other with a look of both confusion and nervousness.

Jeno was terrified since he was scared of the sounds as if like they were a trigger. Meanwhile, Donghyuck was holding his arm to comfort him whilst he unlocks the door.

The door opens and the living room was a mess with their parents in the middle of the area screaming at each other.

Broken objects were everywhere as the table was flipped over while the two screaming adults were looking at each other with rage in their eyes.

Their dad turns to them and softens for a moment until their mom spoke up, "Hyuck what are you doing with that whore?! Get away from him!" She yelled.

Their dad turns to her and yells back telling her to not say such things about his son as he glances back at the two boys, "go upstairs," he said.

The two nodded and rushes upstairs with Jeno struggling to keep up as Donghyuck drags him inside his room. "Are you okay?" He asked.

The raven haired nodded and closed his eyes for a few minutes before opening them back again with a deep exhale.

Donghyuck turns on the air conditioning and puts on a room freshener that was scented with lavender, Jeno's favorite.

He lets Jeno change into some of his clothes as the door was knocked and their dad slowly opens it holding a tray in his arms.

Donghyuck takes it as the adult ruffles his hair, "sorry about earlier," he apologized. "Your mother and I had a misunderstanding," he sighed.

He then turns to Jeno and gave a small smile, "she said she's sorry about what she said earlier, she was just really mad at me that she took it out on you," he explained dumbfounded.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes behind his their dad's back as Jeno only nodded. Their dad pecks his forehead before hugging them both quickly, "eat up okay?"

They nodded in sync as the man pursed his lips before heading back to the door, "have a good night boys," he said.

The siblings ate dinner together as Jeno was cuddled up in Donghyuck's huge bed with a lot of stuff animals and pillows around him to ease his mind.


The crowd went wild as the football match finally ended with Jaemin's team winning.

Jeno and Renjun rushes out of the bleachers and waits for their friends to arrive outside. Soon, the other boys were approaching them as they were screaming.

"We fucking won!" Chenle cheered jumping up and down.

Jisung snorts as Mark face palms, "you cussed at the opponents everytime they had a foul, you could've gotten us in trouble," he glared.

"But he didn't," Donghyuck shrugged besides Renjun as they got in Jaemin's car making the Canadian roll his eyes.

"Well I hope you two are up for a party," Jisung said from the back indicating his words at Renjun and Jeno.

The elder Chinese shrugged, "as long as you guys won't embarrass me then it's fine," he said.

Jeno hummed, "just don't leave me all alone, someone please stay with me," he said as Jaemin smirked and said he'll be with him all night.

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