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Renjun and Jeno sadly had to eat at the cafeteria, the school garden was having a cleaning today and no one could get in except for the janitors.

They sat at the very corner to avoid anyone and Renjun frowned when he saw Jeno having nothing to eat, informed that the bakery was busy this morning, "have mine," he insisted.

He slides his lunch, which is BudBud, Jeno shyly takes and thanks him with a smile, he smiles back as they talk about something while sharing the native filipino food.

Suddenly, they noticed the lunch room getting quiet, now in hushed whispers as Renjun looks around and widens his eyes.

Before the elder could warn his friend who's obliviously eating his snack, starving from the lack of breakfast, a bucket was tipped over the raven's head and the sound of laughter erupts.

Jeno gasps as Renjun slams his hands on the table, "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yells, Jeno tries to clean his glasses and slowly looks up to see Jaemin and Jisung, the latter holding the empty bucket.

He took a sniff and grimaced in disgust, it was the trash bin.

Jaemin grins as Jisung was laughing behind him, he turns towards Jeno and glares, "don't fucking mess with me or my girlfriend," he said as the two walks back to their table.

Renjun throws an empty and dirty can of soda towards them, it didn't go that far but whatever, he looks at Jeno who was trying to shrink on his seat from the attention he was recieving.

The elder grabs their stuff and takes Jeno's arm, dragging him to the nearest restroom to clean up. Ignoring everyone in the lunchroom laughing at them, or more specifically, Jeno.

Meanwhile that was happening, Chenle laughed and high fives the two friends, "nice job guys!" He laughs.

Jisung smiles in triumph as Jaemin sits on his seat, Mark, their senior friend looks around, "hey Jaem?" The said boy hums as he gulps down his soda, "where's Hana?"

Jaemin shrugs and as if on cue, Hana and Jeongin enters the room and sits on their seats, both of them a bit messy as Jeongin was seemingly wiping off something.

"Hey babe," Hana smiles and kissed Jaemin's cheek. The caramel haired smiles back wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Hey princess," he smiles kissing her temple, "where'd you go?" He asked grabbing his coke.

Hana fixes her hair and plays with Jaemin's button, "I was just getting something from my locker," she reasons, "but I'm here now," she winks and Jaemin chuckles before pulling her into a kiss quickly turning into a make out session.


Renjun gives Jeno an extra hoodie and thankfully, the raven brought an extra mask.

He was now cleaning the boy's glasses as the said boy was sitting on the sink, swinging his legs like a child. He feels so bad for Jeno and wants to punch Na Jaemin's face for everything.

Jeno was playing with the strings of Renjun's hoodie, "thank you again injun," he said as he brings the string up his mouth.

Renjun also adapted to Jeno's habits quickly, the boy likes to play when he wants to and often behaves himself when he's told to. He also looks like he could beat someone up but that's just what he looks like when he's not smiling.

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