Part Of The Game

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Jeno raised a brow and turned around, he saw a little cardboard sign that was decorated with various of art paper, glitter, etcetera. Were held by a few members of the football team.

"You're so pretty even when your head is turned around, look back in front of you baby."

The raven tilts his head to the side and looks back to see Jaemin standing quite literally on the fucking table with a huge smile.

"Lee Jeno, my beautiful and adorable boyfriend, I know this might be ridiculous and there's still the football match next week, but will you go to the winter formal with me?" Jaemin said.

Jeno gulped and looked around, he saw Hana with her arms crossed standing beside Jeongin as he also noticed the eyes were all on them.

He glanced at Renjun and Donghyuck who had a hesitating look, the chinese mouthed "answer him," as the other boys were clueless.

The raven cleared his throat, "Yes! I'll go to the winter formal with you," he answers as Jaemin grins and held his hand out.

He beckons as Jeno took it and the caramel haired pulled him up holding his waist as they stood on the table with the younger gripping his biceps.

"He said yes!" Jaemin cheered as the whole room cheered with him. They all chanted "kiss" at the quote on quote couple while clapping their hands.

Jaemin smirked and lifts Jeno's chin up before connecting their lips together and even added tongue making the raven blushed.

"Okay lovebirds, get the fuck down there, Jaemin's nasty ass shoes are crusting my damn lunch," Mark retorted.

The boys laughed as Jaemin stepped down and held Jeno by the waist lifting him up making the boy squeaked and clung onto him.

The caramel haired sits them both down with Jeno sitting on his lap. "I can't believe you did that," Jeno whispers turning his head.

Jaemin smirked, "gotta work hard and make it believable you know?" He whispers back leaving a kiss on his ear.

Jeno bit his lip, "yeah," is all he could say before turning his head back at the front and tried to brush the feeling off.


Jeno was laying on Donghyuck's bed as the tanned male and Renjun were on their own spots. The raven haired groans with his face pushed in the pillow.

"Why did he have to make it so complicated?" He whined and turning his position to lay on his back.

Donghyuck sighed, "that kid is oblivious when he has his eyes on the ball," he paused when Renjun turned on his Air conditioning.

"Like he has his eyes focused on Hana not even thinking about the fouls of the action, whether or not it's already a foul and he should be kicked off, he just wants the ball and score," he continues.

He plops down beside Jeno's head and brushed his stepbrother's hair. "In this situation, you're part of the game," he said.

The raven raised a brow and fumbled with Donghyuck's hoodie strings, "which one? The opponent or the ally?" He asked.

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