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Renjun pulls Jeno to his room by the arm, ignoring the yelp coming out from the brunet's mouth as he sits them both down on his bed. "Something's wrong."

Jeno flinches at his tone but shook his head missing a beat, "no there's not," he denies. He felt the older glare at him making him bite his lip, "okay there is."

Renjun places a hand on his friend's thigh, "well? Speak," he said as Jeno looked around his room.

"Can I atleast hold the pillow I usually use here?" Jeno sheepishly asked pointing at said pillow which was decorated in cute cats with a galaxy background.

The chinese couldn't help but snort, "sure," he chuckled as the brunet took the pillow in his arms and smooshed it with his face.

The older raised a brow hearing a muffled scream from the younger as he just patted the boy's head. Jeno screamed again but this time there was a hiccup as his body shook.

There was definitely something wrong, Renjun isn't that oblivious really. Hell, he even knows that Donghyuck dude may argue with him and can be a bitch but he could see the way he stares longer than he stared at his math problems.

Jeno doesn't lift his head up until Renjun pulled him gently, the boy still lowered his head but when his friend lifts his chin up and saw the tears in his eyes to his cheeks made him frown.

"What's wrong JenJen?" He asked as Jeno sniffled and laid his chin on the pillow and cuddled it on his chest.

"If I have a crush on someone, would it be wrong?" He asked.

Renjun furrowed his eyebrows, "of course not, if anything, it's normal." He paused, "why?"

Jeno sighed, "what if that person has someone else in mind and we both made a deal about no feelings but then I can't help myself?" He tilted his head, "oh and that person is someone you might hate?" He adds in confusion.

Renjun raised a brow, "is this about Jaemin?" He asked knowing what his friend meant. Jeno made a whine as he falls down on the bed with his back and pushed the pillow on his face.

"I fucking hate this," he screams into it, the sound muffled as Renjun patted his tummy. "Why can't I fall for someone else?"

The older sighed, "because you can't control feelings, you can't demand them to fall in love with that person. The mind tells you so, the heart beats for them and your actions speak for it all."

Jeno pulls the pillow away and sighed, "Is it wrong if I grew feelings for him?" He asked and saw Renjun shook his head. "But why am I still chasing after him?"

He turns his head to the side to sed Renjun frowning in pity for his friend. The older lays beside him, "because like I said, your heart tells you to. It may hurt but that's an obstacle everyone goes through and right now is where you're at."

"This fucking sucks jun, I really hate this." He sniffled.

Renjun pursed his lips, "but do you hate him?" He asked as he sat up and looked at his friend who ponders in thought.

"No," Jeno shook his head, "I don't hate him, I just hate how this is what we had to do and how fate is playing with us?" He tilted his head, "if there's even a chance with him, that is."

The older nodded in understanding. It was sad, really, to have this kind of way to fall in love with someone. It sucks when you're the bait and the fisherman is too greedy to have the fish instead of keeping you alive.

"Are you going to end this?" Renjun asked after a moment of silence. Jeno huffed and laid his head on the boy's lap.

"No," he sucks on his thumb, "I made a promise, deal is a deal," he said and ignored the pain as he bits his thumb after he said that. "He gets the girl and I get peace."

Renjun hummed and played with his hair, "but then I don't even know what I want anymore," Jeno adds as the other tilted his head not getting it.

"What if peace is actually being with him? And without him, I feel like I'm in a battle alone."

Renjun didn't say anything else after that, he lets his friend fall asleep as he scrolled through his phone. He knew this would happen, he knew that this particular scheme would make someone grow feelings for the other.

He knew, because that's what exactly happened to his last relationship.


Jeno checked himself on his phone just in case of any other suspicious marks on his body. He tugged his sweater up when he saw another hickey on his collarbone.

Unfortunately, he can't use his window to get inside the house like he would usually do. It was one of those times where majority of his clients were the really horny and frustrated ones.

He fixes himself and smoothens his clothes one last time before he walked to the front door and winced at the pain on his legs and his ass. "Bloody hell," he mutters under his breath.

He wouldn't have not gotten those types of clients if he stayed on the bar to sip on his mild drink and talked to the bartender until someone would approach him.

But Ten was drunk out of his mind and dragged him to the dance floor making a lot of attention towards him as he just danced on the stripper pole since the latter wouldn't shut up, quite literally.

Doyoung was already with his third client that night because Ten had also dragged him to a table with a bunch of business men. So Jeno didn't have someone to knock Ten into deep sleep before the alcohol could.

Luckily, he didn't encounter too many. He's just glad that it was done and he was allowed to go home before Ten could wake up and make another fuss.

He opens the door and tried to sneak towards his bedroom, he took off his shoes and flinched at the sound of footsteps, he takes a deep breath thinking it's either Donghyuck or his stepmother.


He widens his eyes and turns around.

He cries.

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