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"Hyuckie, why the hell are we here?" Jeno asked gasping when his stepbrother just dumped more clothes in his arms.

The tanned male sighed and kept looking through hangers and hangers of clothing, "I told you. I have a date tonight and winter formal is nearby." He shrugged.

Jeno rolled his eyes although Donghyuck couldn't see from the mountain pile of clothes, "can't you wear the other clothes you haven't wore for tonight? And winter formal is in five weeks."

Donghyuck snatches a few clothes from the pile and leads them to the changing rooms, "well I could, but let's be real, we're both bored."

Jeno chuckled as he continued, "plus, five weeks can be fast, the next thing you know you're rushing to get changed. Also, I've found a few great outfits for you," he grins.

The raven haired rolled his eyes as he gave a few thumbs up, smiles and compliments to the ones that he thought Donghyuck looked great on.


After almost three hours in the store, the siblings finally left to get some waffles because Jeno kept whining that he was starving and he really craves for waffles right now.

Donghyuck was going through his wallet as Jeno looked around, "hey," he taps his brother's arm. "Isn't that Jaemin and Hana?" He said curiously pointing at the familiar people.

Donghyuck looked up and raised a brow, "oh yeah, it is." He pursed his lips, "wait the fuck minute, he said he had to visit his cousin and couldn't hang out, also why the hell are they together?"

Jeno went blank at the words his brother spoke as he just can't stop thinking about Jaemin and Hana walking around, he frowned when he saw their hands intertwined.

Donghyuck stopped ranting at how he was so excited to play this new video game that he got and invite Jaemin to join but sadly got ditched.

He glanced at Jeno who was spacing off with a face clearly showing he was upset. He sighed and grabbed the waffles the guy gave them as he paid and thanked him.

The tanned male takes ahold of Jeno's wrist and drags him to the exit gently, "c'mon let's go. I have to get ready," he mumbled.

Jeno was silent the whole ride as his shoulders were slumped. When they arrived, Donghyuck had to guide him to his room and managed to dodge the worried questions from their dad.

The adult just told them to have fun and he'll be at the kitchen baking cookies for them.


Donghyuck examines himself on the mirror, "I look hot," he wiggled his eyebrows as the raven haired rolled his eyes.

"Don't get too cocky, Renjun would ditch you for that, " Jeno said chuckling.

Donghyuck shrugged as he grabs his stuff, "alright. I'll be going now, wish me goodluck because Imma be honest, I feel like peeing," he said.

Jeno laughed and hugged him, "you'll do great! He likes you okay? Just go with the flow and be yourself, now go have fun! Tell me how it goes,"  he smiled.

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