Song for You

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Answers for your questions will be revealed next chapter :)


"We're moving," the woman said as Jeno and Donghyuck looks up with wide eyes and confusion on their faces.

"What do you mean mom?" Donghyuck asks for the both of them so their mom wouldn't bother Jeno at all in the middle of their bonding at 9 PM.

The lady smoothens her clothes as their dad emerges in the living room from upstairs and sighs at them. "Your mom got a promotion in New York, we'll be moving after Winter Formal," he answered.

"What? But that's the next day!" Jeno exclaimed suddenly as Donghyuck nodded with agreement while they looked at their parents.

It was a Wednesday, Winter Formal is on Friday. As much as Jeno really doesn't want to attend the event especially because he thinks there's no use, since– that happened.

Their dad smiles at them sadly as he knelt down in front of them while their mom goes towards the kitchen to make her evening tea.

"Look, we discussed about this for the past month or so and we don't have any other choice. If your mom doesn't accept this offer then there's not enough money for all three of you while I'm away," their dad said.

The man places his palm on their knees as he added, "I unfortunately can't send you some money every week or month because it would take awhile and what could you guys do? You guys can't wait for the money as you starve."

Donghyuck pursed his lips as Jeno mumbled, "why did you have to tell us now?" He said as his stepbrother nodded silently wondering the same thing.

Their dad bit his lip, "we didn't want to upset and stress you two out, we're sorry," he apologized.

Jeno and Donghyuck nodded understandingly as they didn't bother to argue about them moving. The decision has already been made, and surely they can't afford to live together alone.

It does suck, but like their dad said, there's no other choice.

Their dad pats their knees and kissed their foreheads, "okay, off to bed now. You two needs some rest so you can start packing tomorrow after school." He said.

The siblings smiled a little and hugged their dad mumbling a "goodnight" as they head upstairs to their respective rooms.


"So you're moving?" Renjun asked flicking his gaze between Jeno who's in front of him and Donghyuck who's at Jaemin's table as the boy was silently giving threats at the girl besides the quarterback.

The two best of friends had been keeping their distance away from their old "friend group" and had gone back to how they were before.

Only difference is, Donghyuck is on their side but still keeping it low since he knows it'll surely cause something unnecessary.

"Yeah," Jeno sighed. "I'm sorry we have to leave you here, we didn't know this would happen," he apologized.

Renjun huffed, "stop apologizing when you didn't do anything," he scolded. "Jen, you're my best friend, do you really think I'd get pissed if you moved away and shit?"

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