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TW's this chapter:
-Panic attacks
-Mentions self harm

We laughed for a few minutes after we beat the game and five minutes later Dream started talking again.

'Have you ever showed anyone your plugins?'

'I haven't, I just tried them for myself.'

'Do you have friends over here sometimes?'

'I guess I don't have friends.'

'I'm your friend.'

My eyes got bigger and I looked at Dream. I stared in his eyes. They were beautiful.



'Your eyes are beautiful,' I whispered. I immediately blushed and realised what I just said. 'Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I guess, I eh-.'

'It's fine, thank you. So are your eyes.'

'Are your eyes green?'

'They are.'

'They look yellow, but it's still beautiful.'

'Your eyes are like black.'

'They are ugly, I know.'

'I like them. I like brown eyes more than any colour.'

'I can only see blue and brown eyes. And grey I guess.'

'I understand.'

'What colour are you wearing?'

'I'm wearing red.'

'What colour am I wearing?'

'Your shirt is also red.'

'Is it a different red?'

'Yours is darker.'


'For what?'

'Everyone used to laugh at me when I asked them to explain colours to me.'

'I would never. It's not your fault.'

'What colour is this?' I pointed to Dreams shoes.

'They are just black with a little bit of red in them. I matched them with my shirt.' He smiled.

'I mostly just wear black, white and blue.'

'I understand that. You can't see so many colours.'

'I like this shirt.'

'That's good.'

'It smells nice.'

'You like my deodorant?'

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