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TW's this chapter:


-Mentions abuse


TW's are above every chapter and also when the TW starts. If you are sensitive for any of those subjects, please either skip or don't read the parts where a TW is given. Some TW's are basically for this whole chapter (mentions of anxiety, mentions of depression).

Dream cleaned the kitchen after having our breakfast and sat down again.

'It is almost noon, shall we go and spend the rest of the day in the city?'

I nodded again. 'Fine, but Dream?'


'I am scared.'

'Why are you exactly scared?'

He walked towards me and stood in front of me, grabbing my hands.


'They won't do anything.'

'What if they start talking to me?'

'I'll talk with them and make sure you don't have to say anything.'


'Of course. What else scares you?'

'When there are a lot of people and a lot of sounds.'

'Put your hood on.'

'What if someone makes fun of me?'

'I'll beat the crap out of them.'

I smiled. 'No, don't do that.'

'I will.'

'That's bad.'

'Making fun of you is way worse.'

'Everyone does that.'

'Not anymore.'

'What if they beat me up?'

'Has all this happened before, George?'

I bit my lip and nodded. 'Many times.'

'Who did that?'

'People I thought were my friends, strangers and some others.'


'I would rather not say.'

'That's fine. I'll protect you, George. If they beat you up, I'll beat them ten times harder.'

He clenched his hands to fists and waved them in front of my face. 'I can hit them hard.'

'What if there are way more of them?'

'You stand behind me and I'll protect you. I'm giant, I can scared them away.'


'Don't be scared, George. I'm here for you and I'll be with you the whole time.'

I nodded. 'Okay.'

'Come, let's go. My car is in front of the apartment.'

We walked to the door, but I stood still. 'I normally only go outside on Friday.'

'I'm with you, George.'

He grabbed my hand and we walked outside. Dream stepped inside his car and I sat down next to him.

'Don't kill me,' I whispered. I covered my mouth with my hand. 'I didn't mean to say that.'

'I won't kill you, we are just shopping.' He tapped my shoulder and laughed a little.

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