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I ate a few bites of my pizza and looked at Dream. He was already staring at me and I blushed.

'We can watch the sunset.' Dream quickly pointed.

I shrugged. 'I don't like sunsets.'

'Why? They are beautiful.'

'I'm colourblind. The sunset is brownish, yellowish for me. It is ugly.'

'Are you really?'

I nodded.

'What type are you?'

'Protan, I can't see red and greens and all shade of them.'

'That must suck. Have you tried the Enchroma Glasses?'

'I haven't. They are too expensive. I can't afford that.'

I saw Dream thinking. 'Maybe one day.'

'Maybe. Can you- I mean.'


'Can you describe the sunset to me?'

'Of course. It's so beautiful. It has like blending colours, it's a deep orangish, reddish. It gets lighter and lighter and blends in the blue air.'

I nodded. 'Sounds good.'

'It is, what colours can you see?'

'I can see blue and I guess I can see yellow, but green is exactly the same.'

'What else do you see different?'

'Purple is blue to me, pink is like light blue, green is exactly yellow, red is brownish. Everything is just brownish and yellowish.'

'That really sucks, I'm sorry.'

'It's fine, I'm used to it.'

'Yeah, that's true. Would you like to see colours?'

'I don't even know. I don't know what it looks like. I don't know what I'm missing. I wish to see the sunset though.'

'Yeah, you're right. Is blue your favourite colour?'

'It is. The colour of your coat is my favourite.'

'Keep it.'

'What no, I can't.'

'I'll give it to you. You said your coat was old and it's your favourite colour, so keep it. I want you to. I can buy a new one, I make enough.'

I stopped arguing. 'Fine.'

I felt happy, now I could smell his amazing scent all day. I loved it. I smiled a little and put the coat closely around me.

'It suits you.'

'It's a little bit big.'

'You're just small.' Dream grinned and pushed me softly.

'You're giant. It's comfortable,' I said, whilst crawling deep into the coat.

Dream smiled. 'That's good.'

Without even realising it, I ate the whole pizza. I was never this hungry. Dream finished his too and stood up.

'I'll clean it up,' he said.

'No, I will.'

'You clearly won't,' Dream said with the same concern in his eyes. He pointed to the kitchen and the living room. It was an extreme mess. 'I'll clean it for you, I'll be done in a few minutes.'

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