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TW's this chapter:
-Panic attacks

I blinked a few times when I woke up. It was really bright out and the sun was shining in my face which made my eyes hurt a little. Why was in downstairs? On the couch? I blinked another time and stretched. Whilst yawning I turned to my side, ready to spend another day in my bed. Just as I turned I felt something under my head. I was harder than my pillow in my bed.

TW PANIC ATTACK (Skip to TW OVER if you are sensitive for this subject!).

I looked up and realised I woke up in Dreams arms. I felt myself getting short of breath. What have I done? I wasn't allowed to interact with strangers and definitely not to let them spend the whole night with me. How have I been so stupid? Why was my life like this? I was getting a panic attack again. I hated myself. I hated myself more than anything. I quickly stood up and started walking around, panicking.

Dream was still asleep, but when I fell on the ground whilst crying, he woke up and ran towards me.

'George, what's wrong? Keep calm. It will be alright. You aren't dying, I'll help you get through this one too. I'll be here with you.'


'Don't talk. Just listen to how I breath and try copying it. You can do it.'

'H-hold me.' I whispered.

Dream sat down next to me and held me close. I felt his relaxed heartbeat against my ear. My head was comfortable resting on his chest and his arms wrapped itself around my back.


'I'm so sorry to bother you with all this. You can leave.'

'I'm not leaving, George. I promised to help you get through this.'

'Why are you so sweet?'

'Because you are too.'

'I am not.'

'You are.'

'Stop being so nice, it's only going to make it more difficult if you betray me.'

'I'm not going betray you, George.'

His hand stroked slowly through my hair.

'Everyone told me that. Everyone.'

'I understand, but I won't betray you. I know how it is to be betrayed on, I'm not doing that to someone else.'

'Why are you so nice to me?'

'Because you are different.'


'When I saw you, I directly saw you were scared, but you seemed so nice. I just wanted to talk with you, I just felt the need to.'

'Why did you keep talking with me, even though I ran away.'

'Because I knew it wasn't you running away, but something else. The anxiety.'

'You didn't know at that point.'

'I'm smart, George. I firstly thought you were extremely depressed, but when you got so many panic attacks, I knew there was something else.'

'I'm never going be less anxious.'

'You will, but you need help for it.'


'You'll see.'

He hugged me tightly and let go of me. I missed his arms around me already.

'Come on, take a shower and get dressed. We have a long day of shopping to do.'

I nodded and listened to him. I walked to the bathroom and quickly showered. I brushed my hair and wrapped a towel around my middle, walking to my room. I was looking hopeless around, I didn't want to wear weird colours with each other.

'Dream?' I asked quietly.

He heard me and came in. I saw him standing there for a bit and he started talking.

'What's up?'

'I don't know how to match my clothes.'

Dream smiled. 'I'll help you. Do you want a hoodie or a shirt?'


'This one is red, this one is just black and this one is slightly blue. Which do you prefer?'

'I don't really know what suits me.'

'They all do.'

'Can I try red?'

'Of course.'

He gave me the red hoodie and I laid it down on the bed.

'What trousers fit with this?'

'Black is good.' Dream pointed to my black trousers.

'Okay.' I laid the trousers down under the hoodie and smiled. It looked pretty awesome.

'Do you have shoes with either black or red?'

'Black yes, red I don't know.'

'I'll look for you. You can dress up already.'

I nodded and when he was gone, I quickly started dressing up. I looked in the mirror. I never wore a red hoodie. Even though it was brown for me, it looked still good.

Dream came in a few minutes later.

'Wow, that suits you really good.'

'It's a little big.'

'We'll buy you better ones today.'

'Is it too big?'

'It's cute.'

I started blushing. I saw his cheeks also got slightly darker.

'Thanks.' I put the hood on and buried my face in the hoodie to hide my face. When I smelled Dreams scent, I decided to stay like as long as I could.

'I have black shoes for you.' Dream grinned at the sight of me, crawling away in my hoodie.

I put the shoes on and walked around. 'I like it.'

Dream tapped my shoulder shortly and smiled. 'I do too. Now George, we are going to eat some breakfast.'

I nodded. 'Okay.'

We walked downstairs and Dream walked to kitchen.

'What do you have?'

'The things you bought yesterday.'

'Do you really go to the grocery store once a week?'


'Okay, maybe we can go together sometimes and I'll protect you from everyone. Sounds good?'

I nodded. 'But I don't have enough money for that.'

'I'll pay it for you.'

'I can't accept that.'

'Too bad.'

He opened the fridge. Since he cleaned everything yesterday, he probably knew where he put all the groceries. He took some eggs and bacon. Typical British breakfast. He started baking the eggs and bacon and put them on some toast. It took him only ten minutes. He sat down at the table and I sat down next to him.

When Dream already finished, I was only halfway. I hadn't enjoyed eating this much in months.

'This is nice,' I mumbled.

'It's easy to make, you can do it too.'

'I guess.'

I continued eating and watched Dream as he filled glasses with some water. I finished eating and drank my water.

'Easy, wasn't it?'

I nodded and smiled. I felt my warm inside because I felt loved. Why was he this sweet for me?

1122 words

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