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TW's this chapter:

Dream was currently driving towards my place to pick me up. I waited a few minutes when the bell rang, I opened it and Dream stood with a smile in front of me.

'Come on, I'm excited to show you my place.'

I stepped inside his car and we drove to his house. I walked inside and looked around. It was way bigger than my apartment was.

'So, this is the living room, here you have the kitchen.' He pointed to some places.

When he showed me everything downstairs, we went upstairs.

'I want you to see my room with fan-art!' he said enthusiastic.


He grabbed my hand. It was cute when he was this enthusiastic. I felt safe when his hand touched mine. We walked to a room and he smiled brightly when he walked in.


He was like a kid in an amusement park.

'This is really cool.'

'My fans all made this for me. I'm so sure they will love you. Who wouldn't love you?'

Who wouldn't love you? So he loved me?

'Come, let's go to my room and edit the video.'

We walked to his room and he sat down on his chair. 'Oh, wait. You sit here, I'll get a chair.'

'No, I'll just stand.'

'You're crazy. I'll get a chair.'


'You can also sit on my lap.' He grinned at me.

I immediately started blushing like crazy. 'Just get a chair.'

'You're flustered.'

'Get that dang chair.'


He left me in his room. Why did he even say that? Just to bully me? He knew I was gay. He just was still getting along with it to bully me and let me down. I guess. Right? I don't even know anymore. It was a few minutes later when Dream walked in again with a chair. He sat down next to me and started some programmes.

We spent a few hours in editing, when we came at the part where Dream called me cute, he immediately blushed.

'You're flustered by your own comment.'

'I didn't even realised I said that.' He sounded so flustered. 'It's true though, not going to lie.'

Now it was at me to be flustered. 'I'm not cute.'

'You are very cute.'

'I'm not.'

'Shut up or I won't leave you.' He startled. 'Didn't mean to say that.'

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