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TW's this chapter:

We walked downstairs and I looked around me. Nobody seemed to know anything. I knew for sure it was Dreams ex, but since Dream didn't see or hear anything, I was probably just getting crazy. There was nobody, I was just paranoid. We sat down. I felt Dream constantly staring at me and I was smiling. I loved being with him so much, but I still didn't know if he felt the same. But why? I still didn't understand. Did he actually like me or was it still part of a plan?

'Hey guys, we can play a game of Truth or Dare?' Fundy asked suddenly.

I startled and looked up. I hadn't talked with Fundy that much yet, but he seemed like a nice guy. He was from the Netherlands, I believed. He flew over a week ago. I looked at everyones faces. They all agreed with his plan. I didn't like truth or dare that much. I was scared to get a weird question and I never did dare. It made me pretty anxious playing a game like this in a group of people of who I didn't know I could actually trust.

'You don't have to participate,' Dream whispered to me. 'You can just listen.'

I nodded. 'I'll see.'

He smiled. 'If it gets too much, we just go upstairs again.'

'Do you want to hug me again then?'

'Of course,' he whispered quietly.

'Why do you-.' I started. I wanted to ask him if he actually liked me, but just as I wanted to ask him, Sapnap started talking.

'Dream, it's your birthday, you can start. Who do you want to ask?'

'Sapnap, truth or dare?' he directly said smiling.


'Eh, what is your biggest wish? Stupid question, I know. I'm bad in this.'

'Getting rich,' Sapnap joked around. 'No, I'm joking. I guess that all the wars are over or something.'

'That's pretty nice,' Fundy said.

'Your turn now, Sap,' Dream said.

'Okay, Skeppy.'


'Go outside and scream.'

'Gosh, poor neighbourhood,' Dream said laughing. 'Go for it, Skeppy.'

Skeppy sighed and stood up, he walked to the door and opened it. He screamed as hard as he could. Everyone died from laughter.

'Oh my goodness, you muffinhead.'

Skeppy came back looking ashamed. Everyone laughed at his red face as he sat down next to Bad.

The game went on for a little. Everyone answered questions about their first kiss. I knew someone was going to ask me and so did it happen. Sapnap looked at me and started talking.

'George? Are you also participating?'

'D-d-depends on t-the q-q-question.'

'Since we asked everyone about their first kiss now.'

'W-what do y-you want to k-know?'

'How old were you, with who?' He grinned as he said it.

'Eh- I w-was- I n-never kissed a-a b-boy.'

'Wow, are you part of the LGBTQ+?' Eret asked.

'I'm g-gay.'

'Cool dude, I'm bi!' he yelled. 'Welcome to our family.'

I smiled at him. 'T-thanks.'

'I support you now matter what,' Fundy said.

'Yeah, we do too, cool man. I don't mind about you being gay, I accept it.' Tommy spoke for himself and Tubbo at the same time. Tubbo was nodding heavily.


'Sap, stop,' Dream quickly said. He knew I was getting uncomfortable now.

'Sorry,' he smiled. 'I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.'

'Alright, let's skip this subject,' Eret said.

Everyone agreed and Dream gave Sapnap a mad look.

'Sorry,' Sap said again.

'It's o-okay.'

The game went along and I just chilled a little again. I calmed down after everyone left me alone. Everyone laughed very hard when Sapnap had to call his mum. I enjoyed listening to the game very much and when it was a little later, Dream ordered a pizza for everyone. It made me remember the first day I met Dream. We were watching the sunset together. I just knew him one day and I never thought I would still be friends with him. I wished I was, but I didn't expect it.

When we were all done eating, the game continued for a little. I leaned against the side of the couch, trying to stay awake. I was completely exhausted. When I suddenly heard the door opening I was completely awake. Dream didn't tell me about someone else coming. He looked just as confused as me and stood up.

'Who is that?' Fundy asked.

'I have no idea,' Dream said.

It took a few minutes when the door to the living room also opened.

'Hey, Clay.'

916 words

A little shorter, but this was just a perfect moment to split the chapter

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