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TW's this chapter:

I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. Dream was texting me. I changed his name to Dream❤️. He luckily never saw.

Hey, Georgie. I wanted to ask you something. Can you call me when you are awake?

I'm awake.

I'll call you

I accepted his call a minute later and put the phone against my ear. I was still so sleepy.

'Hey, Georgie.'


'I wanted to ask you something.'

'I saw.'

'So, it's almost my birthday and I'm having a party with some friends. I just wanted to ask if you would like to come too. I understand if you don't want to, that's totally fine. We can chill together after the party when everyone is gone.'

'How many people are there?'

'Probably Sapnap, Darryl, Zak, Tommy, Toby and maybe some more. They are all super nice. I'll just tell them not to talk to you.'

'Is there alcohol?'

'No, Toby and Tommy are 16 and I don't drink myself.'

'Good, I hate alcohol. I might come for a little.'

'I can open up my bedroom, so that if it is too much for you, you can just chill there for a little.'

'Okay. When is it?'

'The 12th of August, in ten days. I can ask Sapnap or Darryl to meet with you beforehand. Maybe that makes it a little easier for you?'

'Will you be with me?'

'Of course. I can invite them at my or your place today?'

'I feel saver in my place with you.'

'Sure, wait come on Discord, we can call with them. Darryl actually experienced anxiety himself so he knows how you feel. We can also invite them in the park?'


We hung up and I called him on Discord, Dream invited Sapnap and BadBoyHalo.

'Who is who?'

'Sapnap is Nick and Bad is Darryl.'

'Okay. How do I have to call them?'

'Doesn't matter.'

I went quiet when Sapnap and Darryl joined the call.

'Hey Dream, oh George. George, are you from Dreams last video? That was so funny, dude,' Sapnap yelled.

'Eh- eh-.'

'He is,' Dream helped me quickly.

'Nice, dude. I laughed so hard. I literally almost passed out when I heard you scream. That scream literally gave me life.'

I giggled a little. 'T-thanks.'

'Can you tell us something about yourself?'

I felt directly so anxious again. 'I-I guess, eh- I'm George.'

'Do you want me to tell them something about you?' Dream asked.


'So, this is George, he is 23. I met him in the grocery store. He is born here in England. Oh by the way, Sap and Bad and most of my friends live in America, they used to come here once a year for my birthday and I used to go there for all their birthdays, but they have been in England for a long time now. They like it here. What else do you want to know about George?'

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