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TW's this chapter:
-Mentions abuse
-Depression/negative thoughts

TW HOMOPHOBIA (Skip to TW OVER if you are sensitive for this subject!).

'Hey, Clay.'

'Oh, shit off,' Dream said. 'My ex,' he said without words. 'Why are you following me?'

'Who is that?'

'My friend.'

'Such a gay boy.'

'Shut your freaking mouth and leave.'

I felt like panicking again, why was everyone always insulting me? Always.

'Getting mad?'

'Yeah, because you follow me around all the time. You cheated on me, so go and stalk your boyfriend instead of me. I'm nothing to you anymore. I don't even want to be near you, goodbye and never come back.'

'Are you going to switch to boys now?'

I didn't know what she meant, so I shrugged a little to myself.

'Why do you care, literally go away.'

'I'm not done with you, faggot.' She pointed at me.

I didn't know how to speak or move anymore. I was getting closer to a panic attack. Dream suddenly stood up and stood in front of her. He was like five times bigger than her.

'Why can't I be friends with him? Jealous?'

'We all know he doesn't just want to be your friend. He wants more.'

'No, it was actually me who started talking to him. If I didn't, he would have never contacted me.'

'Why would you talk to him?'

'Why would I not?'

'You're popular, tall, handsome, he is just ugly, thin and he probably gets bullied.'

'He is handsome as hell.'

'He is thin, small and whatever.'

'It's cute.'

'Your gay side is showing, Clay.'

'Okay, fine. If you want to think that, I'm totally okay with that. Now leave or I'm going to do some things I might have to regret.'

'Go suck his dick.'



The girl walked off and left Dream standing shaking of anger. He sat down and smiled at me. 'Sorry. Are you having a panic attack?' he asked when he looked at me.

'I don't know. Not really, but if something else happens I'm definitely going to get one.'

'I'm sorry for what she said. She is always jealous, even though I'm just chilling with friends.'

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