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I quickly walked inside and sat down on the couch. Dream sat next to me.

'Have you worn this hoodie before?'

I shook my head. 'I haven't.'

'It fits you really well.'

'This was the purple one right?'

'It is. It is really cute.'


'You're blushing.'

'So are you, idiot.'

I heard Sap and Bad laughing at us in the background. I didn't realise they could here us, but they did.

'By the way,' Dream quickly said. 'I have some cake. Do you want some?'

Sapnap and Bad directly nodded. 'Of course.'

'You, George?'

I nodded. 'Okay.'

Dream walked away and Bad sat next to me. 'How are you, muffin?'

'I'm o-okay.'



'I'm okay as well. You look nice today.'

'Yeah, George. Purple suits you really well.'

'I don't even k-know how it eh- looks.'

'It's like dark blue but slightly different. It more reddy blue,' Sapnap tried explaining.

'I don't know what red is.'

Bad smiled. 'Maybe one day you'll see.'


Dream came back and I caught him staring at me whilst walking towards us. He smiled and sat down. Bad sat down next to Sap again and Dream next to me. He gave me a plate with a piece of cake. I ate it and it was delicious. I didn't have cake in a long time.

'Do you like it?' Dream asked me.

I nodded. 'I haven't had cake in so long.'

'I can see.' He grinned as he saw me taking another big bite. 'It's on your nose.'

He wiped it off, which caused me to feel safe and happy. The morning was pretty chill. We chilled, Sap, Bad and Dream talked a lot and I just listened. I loved listening to their conversations. Just sitting and listening. Sometimes they asked me something, but not that often. We had lunch with our four. We just ate some sandwiches, since we already ate cake. It was 3 pm when the first friends of Dream I didn't know arrived.

Dream stood up when the bell rang and walked to the door. I felt so anxious.

'It is going to be fine, muffin.'

I scratched my skin softly and felt like crying. I was so scared. Just a few minutes later Zak walked in. Dream showed me pictures of everyone, so I already knew who everyone was.

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