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TW's this chapter:
-Mentions self harm (very little)

"I like you very much". Did he really say that? I never woke up more confused. Just as friends right? I stepped out of bed and showered. I went downstairs to eat some breakfast and decided to text Dream.

Good morning

Good morning, Georgie. How did you sleep?

You are fast, and good. You?




What did you mean yesterday? Do you actually like me?

Yes, of course.

The next days all were the same. I went shopping with Dream, I ate with him and just everything was the same. It was pretty fun and I was so happy to be with Dream, but my anxious feelings only got worse. Even when I thought they couldn't get worse, they did.

Today was the day of the party. I woke up early to wish Dream a happy birthday and to prepare his presents. I bought him a hoodie. I didn't have enough money to buy him something really nice, but I hoped he would like this too. Sapnap decided to pick me up, I had talked a little with Bad and Sap and it was easier to talk with them. The party was actually starting later this day, but Sap, Bad and I decided to go there earlier.

I quickly ate my breakfast and waited for Sapnap. It only took a few minutes. I opened the door for him and let him go in.

'Good morning,' he said. 'Are you ready?'

'I actually wanted to eh- ask you something.'

'Yeah sure, what's up.'

'I don't want to go there in all black or white clothes, can you eh- maybe help me?'

'Of course, dude.'

We walked upstairs and I already sorted out my clothes on my bed.

'What colour are you wearing?'

'I'm wearing red. Do you want a hoodie?'

I nodded.

'Okay so, you have red, blue, purple, yellow and green.'

'Does purple fit me well?'

'Let's see.'

I put the hoodie over my shirt and looked in the mirror.

'Is it good?'

'Amazing.' Sapnap smiled. 'Keep this.'

I put my favourite black trousers on and my black shoes. I picked up my present for Dream and walked with Sapnap downstairs to the car. We sat down and Sapnap put on some music.

'Are you nervous?' Sapnap asked, when he saw me nervously scratching my skin. He grabbed my hand to stop it and placed my hand on my knee.

'Yes. How are the eh- others?'

'Hmm, Zak is really funny and he feels how he has to treat someone, he has been friends with Bad when he struggled with anxiety, so he knows how to deal with that. Tommy is a very funny guy, he is young and sometimes a little direct, but off camera he is extremely nice and sweet. Toby really doesn't hurt anyone, he is a very happy and enthusiastic guy.'

'Do you think they like me?'


'Do I look eh- too eh- g-gay?'

'You don't look too gay, George. No one is homophobic there so they would never say anything even though they suspected it. Being gay is not a bad thing, George.'

'Most people think it is.'

'Yeah, idiots. I don't even understand why people can think it is a wrong thing. You like boys, wow. Everyone must be scared now.' He sounded sarcastic in his last sentences.

I grinned a little. 'It's not that I attack all boys.'

'No, indeed. Do you like someone?' Sapnap grinned and pushed me softly against my shoulder.


'You like Dream, don't you?'

'Yes, but as a friend,' I answered.'

'Idiot.' Sapnap started laughing. 'You do like him. Awww, that's so cute.'

'He doesn't like me though. I think he's using me and leaving me in a few days.'

'I'm really sure that he's not going to leave you. He loves you and I'm really sure he doesn't just use you. He's a great guy and he has a really big heart, he likes you a lot and wants to be your friend.'

I stared at the ground. I felt Sapnap staring at me, whilst smiling. I knew I was blushing. He didn't say anything. Did he mean that? Was he actually right? Would Dream genuinely want to be my friend or did he want to leave me?

'We arrived.'

I nodded and stepped out of the car. Sapnap rang the bell and Dream opened. Dream directly ran towards me and hugged me. Sapnap stood smiling next to me.

'You're here.'

'I am. Happy birthday, Dream!'

'You look amazing,' Dream said slightly blushing.


'Purple fits you awesome.'

'Sapnap helped me.'

'You're really c- eh-.'

'What did you say, Dream?' Sapnap laughed.

'Cute,' he quietly said and he hugged Sapnap. 'Bad is already here.'

Sapnap smiled at me when Dream turned around. I shyly looked at the ground. I knew I was blushing.

910 words

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