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TW's this chapter:
-Small panic attack

I blinked a few times. A bright light was shining in my face. Where was I? Why was I here? My leg was hurting badly and my head did too. I couldn't remember how I got here. The walls were all white, it wasn't very cosy in here. Why was that bright light shining in my face? It was annoying me. Why did I get away from home, did I lock the doors? Why was I in here?

'George,' someone yelled. 'He is awake.'

I startled from the sudden voice. I recognised the voice, but I couldn't tell from where. I slowly turned my head in the way the sound came from. There was a boy sitting next to me. A little beard, brownish hair. I knew him. Sapnap was sitting next to me. It was Sapnap! Right?


'You're awake, thank God.'

'What happened?'

'You got in an accident. You got hit by a car.'

I suddenly remembered everything. I remember the fight I had with Dream. I remember the girl hitting me and swearing at me. I remember me running away, I remember I couldn't see and I remember the car getting closer. I remember Dream screaming and crying. And then I was here. I looked around me and I saw Dream standing next to the door, his eyes filled with tears. He had clearly been crying for a long time. I looked madly at him. I hated him. He used me. He just used me for his plan. He noticed me looking mad, but instead walked closer to me.

TW SMALL PANIC ATTACK (Skip to TW OVER if you are sensitive for this).

'I know you don't want to see me ever again, but George. I really wanted to say something. The times I hung out with you really meant something to me. They really did. I should have told everyone you didn't pay me, but I didn't dare to. I-.' He started crying, what soon ended in hyperventilating and that ended in a panic attack. Bad, who also was in the room suddenly, ran towards Dream.

'I'm s-sorry, G-George.'

Bad grabbed Dreams shoulders and pulled him back. 'Dream, it is better if we leave George here. Sapnap will be here, he will take care of George.'

'I'll text you right away if something happens.'

'What if he- dies?' He started crying even harder and collapsed on the floor. Bad pulled him back up.

'He is stabile, he won't die,' Sapnap said.

'It's better for George if we leave now.' He got pulled away and when they were almost at the door, Dream released himself out of Bads grasp. He ran towards me and fell down on his knees.


'George, one last thing.'

It went completely quiet. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't trust him, but I still liked him. He made my life better, but I couldn't trust him. It was just all the plan.

'George, I- I love you.' His voice cracked and he cried harder and harder. Bad lifted him up and they walked away together.

'What did really happen, George? Between Dream and you?'

'H-he just hung out with me a lot.'

'Also next to the party and such?'

I nodded. 'He did.'

'Dang, he must really love you.'

'He doesn't. It was all part of the plan. Why are you even here? You're also part of it aren't you?'

'That's your anxiety speaking. There is no plan. I didn't even believe his ex, she is crazy.'

'But the others did.'

'No, they were only very confused.'

'The times he hung out with me didn't mean anything to him. But to me they did.'

'I understand you think like that, but it's not true. Dream just told you it did mean very much to him.'


'He didn't lie. He really loves you, you can see it in his eyes. The way he looked at you, the way he spoke about you, the way he talked with you.'

'He was just trying to make me fall for his plans. He succeeded and that's what hurts the most.'

'He wants to be your friend too.'

'How do I know?'

'The look in his eyes. His words.'

'He just called me nice things to make me fall for his lies.'

'What did he tell you?'

'That I'm cute, that he likes me and that he wants to hang out with me a lot-.'

'Isn't that enough?'


'He wouldn't lie about that, he didn't do that to me either.'

'Because he knew you wouldn't fall for it. I would and he knew that.'

'George, can you tell me what your anxiety is telling you and what your own heart thinks?'

I didn't answer. I didn't want to listen to my heart. Dream betrayed me, my anxiety was right.

'My anxiety is right.'

'I understand that you think like that, but it's the other way around. Your anxiety is wrong. Dream unpacked your gift before we went to the hospital and I never saw him cry so hard. The message you wrote with it broke him completely apart. He told me how much he loved you and how much your words hurt him. Even though he didn't mind, because he knew you had all the right to say that. He directly wore your hoodie and he said he is never going to wear something else. He really loves you, George. He really does.'

'How can I know that? You can also be part of the plan and you can just help him to betray and hurt me even more.'

'I'm your friend, I won't betray you. There is no plan, not at all. How can I prove it to you?'

I suddenly had a good idea. 'Call Dream and say the plan succeeded and let me hear what he says.'

Sapnap sighed quietly and smiled. 'Sure.'

He grabbed his phone and I saw him typing Dreams number.

'Sapnap, is George okay? Is he alright? I want to see him so badly. Everyone is still here, they are very scared. Is he okay? Please tell me that he is okay.'

'Dream, I succeeded the plan.'

'Plan? What are you talking about, dude. Is George okay?'

'You can stop acting, he can't hear you. I'm in the hallway.'


'Acting like you care.'

'What the heck, Sapnap. What's wrong with you? I do care and you know what I don't care about anymore?'


'I don't care that everyone knows I love George so much in such a short period of time. All I know is that I would love to be friends with George again and tell him how much I care and love him.'

1200 words

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