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TW's this chapter:

Dream shyly looked to the ground.

'Sapnap, help me,' I said whilst struggling to get up.

'You can't walk, George.'

'I don't care, help me.'

Sapnap lifted me up and handed me my crutches. I walked towards Dream and stood closely to him. The tears were still streaming down his face. I couldn't just let him stand there, crying so hard.

'I love you too, Dream. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything I said to you.'

'I understand, I already forgave you.'

'No, it's not so easy. I hurt you a lot.'

'It is easy, because I love you so much.'

'No, you can't just forgive me. I said such bad things and I'm so sorry for that. Everyone probably heard me scream at you.'

'We did,' Bad quietly said.

'You can't just forgive that.'

'I have forgiven it, yes it hurt me, but it wasn't you who screamed. It was the panic attack and the anxiety. Not you and even if it was you, I would forgive you happily. You had the right to.'

'You can't just forgive me for screaming so loudly at you, I'm ashamed of myself. I want to make it up with you.'

'I already did, there is only one thing that can make it a little bit better.' He paused for a few seconds and grabbed my hips. 'George?'


'Can we please be friends again?'

I smiled at him. 'I would absolutely love to, can I hug you?'

He nodded and pulled me closer. For a moment I felt the life getting back into me again. I had a reason to live for, a reason to get out of bed for. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

'Hold me or I might fall,' I whispered. He held me even closer and I let go of my crutches to wrap my arms around his neck. The hug lasted minutes long, but when we broke apart, I still found it way too short.

'I'm so sorry, Dream,' I started. 'I'm so sorry.'

'It's your anxiety, George. It happened in the past, it's not weird to think it might happen again. Definitely when my ex came in twice. It was literally not planned at all, but I understand it might have seemed that way.'

'I'm so sorry, Dream. I said such horrible things and I hurt you so-.'

I got a tight hug again. 'Shut up.' He hugged me for several minutes again, but I couldn't let it go.

'Dream for real, I said horrible things. I want to make it up with you. I know I don't have enough money at all, but can I at least take you to dinner?'

'You can take me to dinner and I'll pay.'

'No, you can't.'

'I can and I will, watch me.'

I smiled a little. 'But I'll take you to dinner soon.'


'Do you like the hoodie? I wish I could have bought you something more interesting or more expensive, but I just can't afford it.'

'I like it more than anything, it's my favourite hoodie.'

'Is it the right colour?'

'Which colour did you want it to be?'


'It is red. Thank you so much and the note was so sweet. I kept it save in my pocket.' He grabbed the note and read it again.

Dear Dream,

I know we only met a month ago, but you changed my life. I couldn't even remember the last time I came out of bed for a reason, but when you came I did. I did have a reason. You were the reason. I wanted to talk to you more and more and I loved hanging out with you. The closer we got, the less anxious I felt. You did wonders, I felt happier, I was happy to get out of bed. I was waiting for you every day, the highlight of my day. The sun in my life, everything was so dark and then you came. I want you to know how perfect you are. You were the only one I could talk to and I even liked it. Thanks Dream for changing my life. Please, never leave.


Dream had tears in his eyes as he finished reading it. 'Just when I saw this for the first time, I thought you were going to die.'

'I forgot giving you my present.'

'I luckily had to see it. You wrote that so perfectly, so beautiful. Just as beautiful as you are.'

'You are beautiful.'

'I don't understand that you can't see how handsome you are. Your cute dark brown hair with those brown eyes and that amazing and cute personality.'

'You're smile is cute and you're just great.'

'I saw you standing in the grocery store. I saw your cute hair and beautiful eyes. I just wanted to talk to you. I realised there was something wrong, you looked scared and you didn't seem like you cared much about yourself. I wanted to help you and at the same time have you as my friend.'

I smiled and hugged him one last time when I suddenly remembered Skeppy, Bad and Sap were also here. I turned around. Dream held me tightly. Skeppy and Bad were just talking with each other and Sapnap was on his phone. They couldn't hear us talking, since they sat down in the kitchen. They left us alone together in the living room.

'Eh, you are also here,' I said uncomfortable.

'We didn't see anything,' Skeppy laughed.

'Sure, you didn't,' Dream laughed. 'Well, I guess we just hugged and we do that all the time, so that doesn't really matter that much anymore.'

'As long as you keep your clothes on,' Sapnap said.

I blushed. 'Sap!'

He grinned. 'Sorry, but eh- I don't know what you horny bastards are up to, but I'm tired.'


'Language indeed,' Dream grinned.

'I guess Dream will check on you?'

'I will.'

'Do we still have to be here or can we go home?' Skeppy asked. 'Not that I mind being here.'

'You can go home,' Dream said.

'You can come to my place, Skeppy,' Bad offered. Skeppy nodded. 'Alright.'

'Wait till tomorrow and we have a couple,' Sapnap laughed.

'What? No,' Skeppy screamed.

'I'm joking, chill out. I'm going.'

1253 words

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