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TW's this chapter:

It was half an hour later when everyone left and I was laying in bed. Dream and I talked a little, but I mostly got hugs. Dream walked into my room and smiled. It went completely quiet for a little. I looked at his face, he was so beautiful, but he looked so tired. So broken. I just still couldn't forgive myself. Why did I insult him so badly?

'Dream, I feel so guilty,' I admitted. 'I hurt you so badly, you were crying so hard.'

'I thought I lost you.'

'I'm so sorry for shouting at you.'

'It's fine, it's literally fine.'

'It's not.'

'Watch out, or I won't leave.'

'Oh, I won't stop then.'

'You can just ask.'

'Do you want to stay with me, Dream?'


'I have to wake you up very half an hour, Sapnap told me?'

I nodded.

'Okay, I'm going to bed to. Sleep well. I love you.'

'I love you too.'

He stayed in my room. I was happy he was next to me. Even though all the pain and stress, I still fell asleep right away. I dreamt badly, I constantly heard myself screaming at Dream all over again. Dream cried and was broken and I just didn't stop screaming. Dream walked off, crying and soon he grabbed a knife.

'No!' I screamed.

'What's wrong, George?'

I woke up and looked around me. 'What?'

'I was waking you up and you screamed.'

'Dream,' I suddenly started crying.

'What's wrong, Georgie?' Dream asked. He sat down next to me and hugged me.

'I feel so bad.'


'I can't forgive myself for what I said and did to you. I constantly think about it. Don't say you forgave me, I know that. I just can't forgive myself. I hurt you so bad and I made you cry. I made you doubt yourself and feel extremely bad. I dreamt you was trying to hurt yourself, because of me.'

'I felt bad, because I messed everything up with you. You were right, expect from the part you thought it was a setup. I did mess up, I didn't help you. I knew you have been beaten up so many times and I swore to protect you, but I didn't. You had all right to scream at me. I cried because I was afraid of losing you because I messed up. And I cried because I saw you get hit by a car and I thought you were dead. And I didn't hurt myself, George. When I noticed you were self harming, it hurt me so bad. You don't deserve that pain, so I'm not going to do anything to myself.'

'Dream, please stay with me.'

'I will.' He hugged me and crawled back next to me in bed.

'Hold me.'

Dream held me against his body. 'Go to sleep, Georgie. I have to wake you up quickly.'

'Okay.' I felt so tired and comfortable in his arms. I fell asleep and I finally didn't worry about what I had done anymore. I knew he forgave me for it and I should forgive myself.

The night was tiring, but so relaxed. Dream woke me up ever half an hour and when it was only 5 am he forced me to get out of bed.

'George, wake up. We should watch the sunset.'

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