✲ Chapter 2 ✲

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The Breeze from the bus windows feels so nice

Keiji starts staring at me again while playing my game I ask "what do you want?" He says "Oh nothing I'm just thinking of a nickname for you.." I turn and say "A nickname..?".."Yup. I was thinking of sunflower." "why sunflower?" I ask.

"Because you're sweet like flowers with brown and golden hair just like one."  

I couldn't stop thinking about what he said, as I was stretching, my hands kept shaking there are so many girls that like him too..and I can see why, he's so beautiful and his skin is such a warm color he really looks like a model..

Keiji notices me staring at him from across the court, he waves and winks at me, flustered I look back down blushing. 

I used to like kuroo but I feel like he's starting to like other people now so It's a little too late to confess now..

I notice Shoyo across the court jumping and goofing off with Yu Nishinoya their libero. He see's me and waves, so I wave back. We're almost ready to start the games since everything almost completely set up. Shoyo and Tobio are practicing their weird quick attack and Tobio wont stop staring at me and it's making me uncomfortable, I don't like being stared at. 

Yaku Morisuke our team's liberio asks me "Are you feeling sick? you don't look too good and you have that blank look on your face."
"I'm fine."
Lev is messing up on his training and Yaku kicks him for saying he's short and scolds him. The floor is really cold so I stop stretching and go to the water stand and see kuroo with a different girl. She's giving him a gift wrapped in red and black paper. I turn back around and drink my water and a few seconds later I see kuroo walking towards me waving. So, I did what any reasonable person would've done.

Walked away and pretended I never saw him. 

As I'm walking I notice Keiji is coming my way, so I try and act as normal as possible but he stops me and says "You look cute with your hair tucked back like that." He smiles and walks away. "Maybe I should keep it like this then..?" I mutter to myself. I pass by Hitoka Yachi Karasunos team manager and ask her for a hair clip. She passes me one smiles and says "Woah you sure are pretty, I thought you were a girl at first!" 

Why does everyone keep saying that. I don't like being called a girl...

I clip my hair up and sit on the bleachers, since our team won we get to take a break while the other team does laps and stuff. I cross my legs and start playing minecraft on my console. Everyone else is talking about the game or plans for tomorrow. Then, everyone gets silent then starts whispering so I look up wondering whats going on. 

Its Akaashi Keiji sitting right in front me in a chair legs crossed, eagerly staring at me, and watching me play my game. I quietly ask "What are you doing over here?"
"Well..our teams on break right now and I saw you looked pretty lonely so I came over and took a seat." He said gently
"Yeah..that's cool and all..but you didn't say anything, you just started staring.." He lets out a gentle giggle.
"I couldn't help it you looked so focused and I thought it was cute.." He leans in so close that our noses could touch.
"I'm looking forward to making you mine Sunflower."
"Are you trying to seduce me or something..?" I mumble, I could feel my face turning red "Hmm..maybe." He replies devilishly.

"Whats going on over here?" I look up and its Kuroo he looks angry..almost.
"I'm talking to Keiji." I say blandly.
"You guys are really close it kinda seems like you're not just talking."
"Why are you so worried about me now when you wouldn't even look at me before. Who I talk to is none of your business." I snap back. Keiji stands up.
"I think you should leave us alone now, Kenma doesn't seem comfortable with you here." He says while making a very intimidating face. I look down, I feel like Keiji has the situation under control. I get up and grab Keijis hand and drag him outside. I could see Kuroos face when we left.

Kuroo was fuming

I hug Keiji and apologize for Kuroos behavior. He makes me feel small, I could only reach his mid stomach.  He hugs me back and fluffs up my hair, he's really warm and soft. He then bends down and whispers in my ear "Would you like to try dating me..?" While caressing my face. In this moment I'm in complete shock and don't know what to say. But my lips were moving on their own trembling and curious, so i say "y-yes." Keiji kisses my forehead takes my phone out my back pocket and puts his phone number in it then whispers "Text me." in my ear passes me my phone, then walks away with his hands behind his head. 

I would be lying if I said I didn't want to, and wasn't going to.

we're leaving and Keiji spots me and runs up to me, then hugs me very genuinely and it was nice, he walked away waving and saying goodbye. I was all butterflies on the inside. As I'm walking home I notice Kuroo is following me. But I think nothing of it since he lives 4 houses down from me, he might just be walking home. He catches up to me and asks "So who was he? And why was he so close to you? You never let anyone get that close." 

I ignore him.

"WHO IS HE?!" he yells stopping and balling his fists. I look back and hesitate to reply. I clear my thoughts and say

"He's my Boyfriend."

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