✲ Chapter 15 ✲

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I've been dating Kuroo for 2 weeks now and his constant need for contact and mood swings are hard to deal with, but besides that everything is nice and I like him and it's not like he's going to know that..

Since we have a test on monday I'm trying my best to study, but I literally can't because Kuroo is wrapped around me.
"Can you let go now?"
"I'm trying to study.."
"But that's boring, let's do something fun!"
I should take him to the library...then he'll be forced to shut up...
"Okay let's go somewhere then."
I get up, grab my backpack then put all of my books and pens in it, then grab my jacket.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see.."

We start walking outside and Kuroo grabs my hand and holds it. I have no problem with that since its starting to get colder outside, so I hold his too. The leaves on some trees nearby are browning and falling off the branches, I used to walk down this way with yamaguchi but he has new friends now so we don't talk as much.

When we get to the front door I swipe my I.D and the door automatically opens and we walk through. 
"You took me to a library?!" Kuroo whisper yells at me.
"Yup." I whisper back.
"I should've known this would happen, Tsukki-chan would never take me somewhere fun.." he says with a small frown, and I giggle at that last statement.
I pick out an algebra book and a english translator book for me. I look around for something to give Kuroo, so I found another algebra book because he needs to study.

I sit down at a table and Kuroo follows me there and plops down next to me. I take out all of my books and surround me with them. I pass Kuroo his book and flip the pages of mine.
"How long are we going to be here?"
"Until I'm done studying."
"When is that going to be?"
"When I decide I'm done."
"Oh and to pass the time you should study too, because you're horrible at math and its a pain to see your test scores every week."
"Your so mean to me Tsukki-chan." he says with a frown.
"Shut up I'm trying to study."

I take kuroos book and skim through it, looking for a subject he's lost in. I find a page then set it back down in front of him. "Don't write in the book." Kuroo pokes his tongue out at me and starts reading. I sigh 'he's such a handful..' I start studying and later I get a lot done but I'm pretty tired and I want to go home. 
"I'm going to go get a snack what do you want?"

I sigh and look for a vending machine, when I find one I get a chocolate bar for me and pocky for the annoying baby at my table. I walk back eating my chocolate bar and pass Kuroo his pocky.
He pulls one out of the box and gives it to me.
"Thanks." I take a bite into it and look away.
"Can I have a bite of yours?"
"No, you have a whole box."
He leans in and takes a bite anyway with a smile on his face.
"Why did you do that."
"Because It's a second hand kiss from my angel." He says with a pervy-looking smile on his face.
"You're literally a pervert, stop looking at me like that." 
"I can't even look at you now?"
"I'm leaving."

I start packing up my stuff, It's not late but I'm exhausted. Kuroo is not easy to deal with so its mentally exhausting for someone like me. 
"Tsukki-chan can I hold your hand?"
"Pretty please!"
"N-O, what does that spell? NO!"
"I'm gonna hold it anyway.."

Kuroo grabs onto my hand and basically drags me down the street. He's literally violating my personal space. We walk to my house and I unlock the door and step in. 
"Go home kuroo."
"I'm tired and I want to sleep."
"Its 6pm."
I sigh and mentally slap myself in the face 'Why me?'
I let kuroo in and I walk up to my room and fall face first onto my bed. Kuroo is playing with the dinosaur plushies that used to be on my shelf until he touched them. 

I flip on my back and close my eyes and start drifting off to sleep until kuroo wraps his arms around me.
"What are you doing?"
"Hugging you...you're like a body pillow. Believe it or not you're really nice to hug tsukki-chan."
"But that doesn't mean you have to." 
"But I want to...I need you all the time..so I can't help but want to touch you.."
"Why does everything you say sound so dirty."

Kuroo shrugs his shoulders and squeezes me tighter. "Tsukki-chan?" I hum in response.
"Are you in love with me?"
"We've been dating for 2 weeks kuroo."
"But in that time have you ever like, liked me?"
"I wouldn't be dating you if I didn't"
"Okay....so do you love me?"

Kuroo gets on top of me and pins my arms down on the bed. "Don't be so mean to me all the time tsukki-chan~" he cooed in my ear.
"Don't be so annoying all the time kUrOo-sAn." I said, mocking him. Kuroo leans down and lightly kisses my lips.
"It sucks being dominated doesn't it?" he teased
"I literally hate you, if you wanna talk about being dominated you're letting your weight dominate you, you swine." I shot back.
"Geez tsukki-chan, who knew you could be so mean...that's fine, It turns me on anyway." he said with a smirk.
"What are you, a masochist?" I asked.
"Hmm...maybe." he says with a shrug.
"Get off of me you horny pig." I said a little annoyed.
"Can we cuddle instead?" he said, laying his head on my chest.
"No, baka." I said while closing my eyes.
"Tsukki-chan...when are you going to tell me you love me?"

I pretended to be asleep to avoid answering that question. I didn't have an answer at the moment, love is a very blurry topic for me that I don't like talking about. I don't know what i'm going to do if Kuroo says he loves me because when he does...

                                                          I won't be able to avoid it.

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