✲Chapter 21✲

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Here we are again..Keiji is in his hospital bed and i'm in here watching a movie with him. It's a comedy/romance, but i'm not even watching it...i've been more focused on Keiji since i found out something was wrong. He's even skinnier now..his ribs are showing more than ever and his face looks dull and pale...But even now, when he's like this...he's still beautiful to me...and he always will be, no matter what happens or how different he looks.

Things are happening too fast...Keiji can barely keep conscious during the day..and his heart rate is inhumanly slow..but i won't leave him..especially like this...

"I love you.." he said after taking in lots of air.
"I love you more.." i said trying to blink back tears. I know he's said it multiple times but, this time was different.
"I wanted..to...stay with you..and grow old..maybe adopt..a baby girl..."
"I've always thought of a life with you...and you don't deserve this..you deserve the whole world..so I need you to be strong..for me..because when you make it through we can start our life okay?"
I smile but i can't help the burning pain and agony i'm trying to hide...as warm tears drip down my face I try to smile...

"..Okay..." he looked back at me with tears streaming down his cheeks. Seeing him cry is always so heartbreaking..he's always so calm and rational...but when he cries he's a different person..he shows more emotion and feeling. I get to see a different side of him that he tries to hide..but flaws or not I still love him more than anything.

I know i'm not ready for him to go..i just don't know what i'm going to do without him..i can tell keiji already accepted it, and that he's okay with things being like this. I'm the only one that hasn't accepted it..but how can you? This isn't something you can just let go...so why is everyone acting like it is?

I heard a knock on the door and 4 figures walked in. It was Tsukishima, Shoyo, Tobio, and Bokuto. Tsukishima had to bend down, so he wouldn't hit his head on the door frame. Everyone had gifts and flowers for Keiji.

"..Oh, hello.." Keiji said weakly.
"Hi Akaashi-san.." Tsukishima quietly said as he walked up to him.
"My students finally came to visit me..nice to see you..."
"Yes, I made time to come and visit."
"Ah, I see..since you're all famous now you have to make time." He said with a breathy chuckle.
Tsukishima looks even more mature than he did before, his hair is longer now and he's much taller, he has broad shoulders, and a sharp jawline.
Hinata walked over to Keiji and hugged him tightly, as he hugged him back I could see the small smile on his face. I'm guessing he was happy to see his Kouhai.

"Akaashi-senpai...I am very grateful for all the things you taught me and I really hope you get out of this place healthy okay?"
"Okay, I will." He said with a light smile.
Shoyo then came over and hugged me, it was very light and warm feeling. And his wild curly hair brushed up against my cheeks.
"Hi Kenma-san! Do you like playing volleyball yet?"
"...Um..I don't really know.." I replied, feeling unsure.
"I'm sure you'll like it soon enough, i'll show you!" He said with a big smile.

Tobio walked up to the bed tugging on his bangs, with his head down, and flowers in the other hand.
"These are for you...and if you weren't there I'd probably be dead.."
I was confused on what he meant by that.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Oh? He didn't tell you? Well..one day at the training camp kageyama was chocking on a carrot and Akaashi-san gave him some water to stop him from dying." He giggled out.
I turned to look at Tobio and he blushed and quickly faced the other direction.
"S-shut up idiot.." Tobio muttered.
"Awh, Is the king embarrassed? I knew you sucked but I didn't know it was that bad." Tsukishima laughed and teased.

Keiji giggled a little and soon it become a full laugh. It was so angelic and pretty, seeing him happy and smiling.
"You guys are still as childish as ever. You make me miss being in school." He said with a smile larger than any smile I've ever seen him make. I giggled a little, since they were really childish after all.

Everyone looked at us, surprised.
"What?" I asked, looking confused.
"You guys can laugh?!" They asked
"..Well..yea..anyone can laugh..?" I said looking at them weirdly.

"Bokuto-san...come here.." I heard keiji say.
"..M-me?" Bokuto replied.
"No, I meant the other Koutaro Bokuto." He said with a little smile.
Bokuto then walked over and sat in a chair next to Keijis hospital bed.
"How are you?" Keiji asked with his eyes closed.
"I-i'm Okay...kind of.." Bokuto replied, unsure of his last statement.
"Do you miss me?"
"O-of course i do.."
"Then visit more, I miss my best friend sometimes." Keiji said with a smile.
"I always knew you still had feelings for me!"
"That's not what I meant by that."
"Awh really?"
"Well...I won't give up!"
"You should...plus I'd never like someone like you." Keiji said with a giggle.
"Wha..WHAT?! AGASHI YOU'RE SO MEAN! Don't ever talk to me again!" He said being emo again.
"It was just a joke Bokuto-san." Keiji said, still laughing.

At this point everyone was laughing and having a good time. We played games and talked about volleyball, It was actually pretty fun..you know..being here with friends..Laughing and cracking jokes about dumb things. Turns out, me and Tsukishima have lots in common..At first, I kinda thought he was just a rude person..but he's kinda nice when he let's his walls down..Bokuto is as happy as ever being next to Keiji, today something very rare happened...Keiji finally laughed. And it wasn't a little giggle, it was a full, genuine, and warm feeling laugh. It filled up the whole room and made everyone have a warm feeling inside. And It makes me feel happy, that he's able to be happy alongside people that love him.

I wonder how he feels..about being in this place all over again..I surely wouldn't be happy. But, he seems as if he's perfectly fine with this place being the last place he'll be..

I don't know much about others feelings but I know he wouldn't feel comfortable that way. But there's nothing i can do..these people are the only people that can help him. And if they can't..then it would've been better if he was with me..since that's where he truly wants to be...i can tell, since i'm not good at actually talking to people, I just observe. And how he feels is pretty obvious. But i can't promise that he'll get out of here..and i'm scared..really scared that when he goes into surgery...he doesn't come back.

All i can do is hope now..

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