✲ Chapter 5 ✲

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It's Akaashi's perspective until i say otherwise :)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and i turn it off and pick up my phone.

Friday 6:30 am. I read, I unlock my phone and send a text to Kenma-chan.

6:30 am (you): Good Morning Sunflower :)

6:37 am (Kenma <3): why are you up so early Its literally 6 am you weirdo

6:38 am (you): whattt I need time to get ready. I'll see you when I do babe

I reply while brushing my teeth. I took a cold shower, I read in an article that its supposed to be refreshing. They lied. I pack me and my little brother a lunch box and I make my way into the living room to watch the weather channel. I bring my umbrella since It'll be raining later and I grab my backpack and volleyball bag and head out. As I'm walking I notice Bokuto running my way looking as if he's about to pounce on me. I go the opposite way as he's jumping towards me going in for the kill and then falls on the ground face-first. "WHY'D YOU DODGE ME!?" He asked me with a sad face "You don't just run up on people like that you creep." "FINE don't touch me ever again." He says in his emo mode. "wasn't planning on it." I say flatly. "you're so rude!" he says as he sticks out his tongue.

"Is Kenma-kun not coming with us today?" "I'm not sure.." I reply back. I pull my phone out my back pocket and call Kenma and 13 seconds later he picks up.

"Hey what are you doing? It's 7:12."

"WHaAAaaTT!! Oh my god I didn't even hear my alarm! Crap! Um I'll be there in 15 minutes or less. OuCh!"

"Alright don't hurt yourself on the way here."

"shut up baka!" *he hangs up*

I chuckle and turn to Bokuto and say "He'll be here shortly" Bokuto then carries on our conversion and starts jumping and bouncing around talking about his spikes. "...then! Tsukkishima-kun bounces up and goes for the kill but he couldn't block my awesome spikes and then as I hit the ball its went WHAM,WOOSH then BAM! To the ground and I scored yet another point!"He said enthusiastically, I then replied saying "You're always so hype even when you aren't playing." 

I then notice Kenma running up with his hair messy, jacket hanging off his shoulder, and a flustered look on his face. He looks so cute.. I thought to myself . He sits on a bench next to where we were standing to catch his breath. I lean in and get closer and closer to his face, he opens his eyes and I smile, following that smile was a kiss on the forehead. He then blushes and turns his head and his hair flows and waves with his movements. I sit down next to him open my lunchbox grab a rice ball and put it in Kenmas mouth. He munches on it while side eyeing me. "I can tell you didn't eat so you can just have my lunch box." "Thanks Keiji." "You don't have to call me by my first name." "Oh okay Akaashi-chan." I blush and turn away He's never called me like that before. I think to myself, I look back up and see Bokuto in my face smirking like an idiot. We start getting ready to walk to the meet-up spot since Kenma is with us now. I grab Kenma's hand as we're walking and our fingers intertwine, I look back and Kenma's blushing very cutely.

We're now at the meet-up spot and the girls there are whispering things about us but I don't see a problem with it just as long as I'm with Kenma I'll be fine since I've liked him for so long. I feel Kenma tug on my shirt so I turn around and he starts mumbling something. I lean down really close to his face and say "What did you say babe?" "U-um" he says while twiddling his fingers. "D-does this make us a c-couple now?" "Yea, you didn't think so before?" "I kinda thought you were kidding until you kissed me..so I wanted to ask." he says lowly almost to a whisper. I grab him by the waist and kiss him on his smooth lips gently. His face turns bright red and he covers his face with his sleeves. He's so cute . We continue walking to the bus but with my arm around him, we get on the bus and our teammates are surprised by whose on my arm and they start 'ouuing' and 'aahhing' like little kids. We sat in our seat and Kenma laid his head on my shoulder. Bokuto took like 50 pictures of us because he's an idiot. 

When we got there I couldn't wake Kenma up because he looked too cute when he was sleeping. So I tried my best to wake him up gently, I stroked his cheek with the back of my hand and kissed him on the forehead smoothly and he woke up, he lightly blinked and looked around. "Hey we're here, do you want me to carry you inside?" I said "Mhmm.." He replied. I picked him up, put him on my back and pick up his bags then walked into the gym. Hinata Shoyo walked up to me and asked "Whats wrong with Kenma? Is he sick or something?" "No he's just tired but he's fine." I walk off and stop by a confection stand set up by some girls and get him some cream bread and a chocolate bar. *cream bread is like a twinkie. Its sweet bread filled with vanilla cream.* I pay for it and walk off with the snacks ,then set Kenma down gently on the bleachers. He blinks slowly and i present him with the sweet snacks I got him. He should like these because I see him eat sweet things a lot.. I thought to myself. He opened the chocolate bar and took a big bite and then continued eating the rest. "I'll go fill up your water bottle okay?" "Okay..come back soon." He mumbled. I walk away and head to the water fountains and pass Kuroo who was glaring at me trying to look intimidating.

Come back for the *Spice*  Thanks for reading this far btw :)

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