✲ Chapter 14 ✲

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He's basically wearing this but the sweater is a single color^I sigh and look at my outfit in the mirror

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He's basically wearing this but the sweater is a single color^
I sigh and look at my outfit in the mirror. 'I'm not cut out for this..' I think to myself
'Maybe I should just cancel..'
I walk out and head to the kitchen for some water. As I'm passing my brothers room I scoff to myself. I pour some water into a cup and drink some, then my phone vibrates.

9:32 am (Annoying rooster): You ready?
9:32 am (You): Um yea I guess
9:33 am (Annoying rooster): I'm outside piss baby
9:33 am (You): shut up I'm walking out.

I shove my phone into my pocket then hurry up to my room to grab my wallet, my airpods and some extra cash.
I walk outside and kuroo, sure enough is standing by my front door. I sigh and start walking down my driveway and up the street. "Tsukki-kunn why are you walking so fast, are you trying to get away?" I hear Kuroo whine. "Don't call me tsukki." I reply while looking through my phone.
"But it's cute..why can't I say it?" he says while pouting like a child, "'Cause I said so.." I say while continuing to scroll through instagram. "Well...you look nice today.." kuroo says while gently placing his arm on my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. "Hmpf, whatever." I shot back.

I look back down at the road and try to keep walking in the right direction. Kuroo keeps playing in my hair after I told him to stop. 

"But it's soft.."
"I don't care stop messing with it."
".....fine, but shut up."
"You're so mean to me tsukki."
"Don't call me tsukki!"

We finally get there thank god, I wanted to just snap my neck. Kuroo is at the stand buying a bunch of snacks and treats, and I just got popcorn, water, and a little slice of cake. He walks back to me grinning like a child. "Are you finally ready to go?" I say while rolling my eyes. "Yup!" he replies back with a smile. I sigh and start walking to theater 9.
"Hey tsukki..."
"I told you not to call me that-"
when I turn around kuroo is staring at the ground fiddling with the stuff he bought. 
"I'm happy you came here with me today.."
He said while blushing. A small bit of red glides across my face and I quickly turn away.
"Y-yea whatever you need.." I said accidentally stuttering.
"Oya? Whatever I need you say?"
His face lights up while he gently pushes me against a wall. 
"T-t-that's not what I meant you pervert!" 
"Are you sure?" He says while grinning devilishly. He starts to rise his leg in between my legs.
"YES! yes I'm sure.."
He backs up and smiles like a child and says "Great! lets go watch the movie!" and walks off. My eyes are wide open and I feel so embarrassed. My face feels hot and I can tell its red.
"Are you coming?" Kuroo says while turning around. "y-yes.." I say while darting my eyes to the ground.
                                                         Time skip~ (sorry)

I'm sitting in my chair watching the movie and believe or or not It's actually pretty interesting. Kuroo is enjoying his snacks and intensely watching the movie. I was watching the movie until I felt soft lips on my cheek, applying pressure. I quickly turn around and see kuroo smiling at me.
"b-baka!..h-honto baka!" I whisper yell to him.
"I just thought you looked cute." he whispers back to me.
"J-just s-shut up and watch the m-movie."
I quickly turn back around to face the big screen. Kuroo leans in really close to my ear and I try not to move.
"I know you like me chibi-chan~" he whispers in a seductive way.
I blush and I turn my head away from embarrassment.
Kuroo gently grabs my chin and turns my head to face him.
"Isn't that right?"
"Who could ever like a pervert?" I snap back.
"Apparently you."
Kuroo leans In closer and I panic so I stay as still as I can. He then gently places his lips on mine and asks for entrance with his tongue, and I let him in. I have no idea whats going on, I'm so confused..

Kuroo slowly backs away, as he stares at me he chuckles. 
"W-what is it?.."
"It's just that..even though it's dark I can see you clearly and..you're so beautiful like this."
"Like w-what?"
"A nervous mess...instead of being rude and taking shots at me..you're melting under me.."
"You don't have to point that out.." I say while turning away.
"It's not a bad thing...to be honest, you look super sexy!"
"S-shut up! People can hear you, you know!" I whisper yell.
"Sorry...Maybe I should wait until after  the movie?"
"W-w-wait that's not what I meant!"
"That's okay I don't know what you were tying to say but you might be saying something different tonight.."
"That's it  stop talking. Just stop." Kuroo pouts and turns to watch the movie. I sigh out of relief and tried to finish watching the movie. I just cant help but wish he forgets whatever he's thinking in his tiny little head. Now I'm confused because we missed like 10 minutes of the movie messing around.

The movie is over and we're walking out the theater, but I can feel kuroo staring at me from behind. When we get outside and start to head home I can feel kuroo wrap his arms around my waist, he rests his head on my shoulder and gently hugs me. "Tsukki...I don't know why I feel this way around you..and sometimes I hope everyday that I'll be able to see you when we play volleyball.." Does he...miss me? 
"W-well what do you mean?" I say hesitantly 

"When we have practice games or I see you in view I feel butterflies..at first I thought it meant I was excited to go up against karasuno..but the way your hair flows in mid air..or the way you gently smile when you score a point..I wish I could see you smile more, its so small its barely visible..."
I don't know what to say..I can't move..
"M-maybe it's something different right?" I say while turning around slowly to face the taller male. "I thought you liked kenma...you guys are so close.."
"I thought I liked him too but...he made me realize that I liked you in a different way.."
"So you did all this..to test out your theory?.." I say, a little angered.
"Y-yes..but I just wanted to see if I was right.."
"I'm not a test subject or some lab rat.."
"I know! And I'm sorry but can you accept my feelings even though I kinda tricked you.."
I want to say yes..but I don't like tricks, they all just feel like a sick joke.

"........Okay fine..but at least try and not be so touchy touchy..contact isn't exactly my favorite thing in the world."
"But I just have to urge to touch you all the time!"
"Don't say that out loud!"
"Pleaseee..At least 3 times a week!"
"You dont mean sex?...right?"
"Well...yes.." he says while fiddling with his fingers.
I sigh and look back up at him. "Fine..twice every two weeks.."
"Two weeks?!"
"I mean if it's a problem I can make it a month.."
"No! Two is fine!"
I start walking again feeling happier than usual but I don't want Kuroo to see.

"Can you smile for me?" kuroo asks with a smile on his face.
".......Fine but only once.."
I turn around and gently smile at kuroo, but it ends quickly. "Happy?" I say in a sarcastic tone.
'Yes, very happy." I sigh and continue walking.

Kuroo picks me up bridal style and I start to freak out.
"P-put me down!"
"Woah! Tsukki-chan your so light!"
"Shut up!"
"You need to eat more! I mean..you're already squishy and that makes your hugs so nice!"
"I'm not squishy!"
"Wait!..If I make you fatter..your hugs will be even better!"
"Wha- w-wait-"
"Let's go out to eat! How about a buffet?!"

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And also THANKS FOR OVER 1.1K READS LIKE OMG. I didn't expect you guys to like it so much! Oh and sorry there was no akaken but I added a rare pair since people like those? If tsukki and kuroo seem weird I can try again? but I thought it would be cute since tsukki is such a tsundere! 

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