✲ Chapter 6 ✲

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Still akaashi perspective btw :)

I pass him by and keep walking

"Are you two really going out?" he said with his fist balled up, head down, jaw clenched. "Yes." He turned around and grabbed me by the shirt. "Listen here, I don't know who you think you are but you better leave him alone or else I'll kick your ass!"  I grabbed him by the wrist and twisted it but hard enough to the point where it would just hurt a lot and not sprain. "Correction I don't know who you are but I'm not gonna follow your orders like some dumb dog." I said with my face stern. I kicked him in the leg, as he was falling to his knees I grabbed him by the collar and said "Got it? You do? Glad we came to an agreement." I said flatly with a smile on my face. I let go and continued walking to the fountain to get Kenmas water. 

I finished filling his water and walked back out to bring it to him. I look around then see him eating his cream bread, legs crossed, and his hair clipped again. I jog over there and wave. He notices me and waves back slowly. I get there and hand him his water. "What took you so long..?" He asked looking a little concerned. "Oh, I just got caught up with something Its noting to worry about Sunflower." "Okay...are you going to sit here or stand?" "I'll sit." I sat down next to Kenma, wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer to my chest and kiss his head. "Do you want to come over after practice?" I asked "Um..sure, can I bring my game?" "Yea I'll make sure to get some sweets, I know you like them." "U-um can you bring some more of that sweet bread I really like it." He mumbled "Sure, anything you like Sunflower." 

I played with all my heart knowing Kenma was watching me. Every time I looked over my shoulder he was watching me intently, he didn't take out his console. Not once.

After our game Kenma was waiting for me with a face towel and water bottle in hand. He looked very nervous and avoided eye contact. I hugged him and took the items out his hand, and drunk my water as he fidgeted and twiddled his fingers. I lay my towel on my shoulders and carefully grab his hands and slowly swing them. "We could watch a movie tonight." I suggest "Okay, I like the sound of that." he says while gently smiling. While everyone is waiting for the buses to arrive I bring Kenma to a small sweet shop and buy him some cotton candy. I think he liked it because he ate it so fast. "Why didn't you buy yourself something?" He asked with a little frown. "I like buying you stuff that you like. You don't have to worry about me." His frown disappeared and he hugged me. "Thanks for the sweets Akaashi-chan." I blushed. Every time he says my name it makes me happy, he says it so sweet and angelic-like. I hugged him back and he squeezed me tighter. He's so small.. I thought to myself. I picked him up and held him as he wrapped his legs around my waist, I thought about how long I waited for this moment..Just to hold him in my arms is like a dream. 

When we got off the bus we went our separate ways Kenma waved goodbye and yelled "I'll see you at 7!" "See ya!" I yelled back. I went to a local Japanese sweet shop, and bought Mochi, Dango, Cream bread, and Ice cream rolls. *Dango is a sweet gummy candy in the shape of  circles on a stick. Mochi is like a sweet rice cake* I walk back home and put the items up in the fridge. I quickly hop in the shower and after that I put on a black t-shirt with black sweatpants. I go downstairs and turn on Sword Art Online. Because isn't it about some kids that get stuck in a video game..? Anyways, Kenma likes video games so I figured he'd like the plot. I check the time and its 5:43 pm. "I'll get started on dinner" I mumble to myself. I start to make some rice in the rice cooker then, miso soup but I add different flavors in to give it a special taste when I did that, I started to fry some fish and smoke some pork and after that I put together some fresh vegetables and a salad. I look at the time and its now 6:49 pm. I start plating the food because Kenma should be here any minute. I mix together some coconut oil, sugar, and basic seasonings to brush on top of the rice so it won't taste so plain. Once I'm finished just a few minutes later someones knocking on the door.

I open the door and it's Kenma. He's wearing a big grey sweater, with grey loose shorts and white converse. He looks adorable. "Did you eat anything yet?" I ask him "Um..no I wasn't very hungry earlier, but I can eat now.." "Okay I made something for you to eat.I hope you like it." I bring him to the table and dish up his food, I give him his bowl and some chopsticks with a kiss on his forehead. I make my bowl and sit across from him and eat my food. I look up and he's smiling while eating I look back down because he told me he doesn't like being stared at. "Akaashi-chan..did you really make all of this for me..?" "Well yea of course i did." I say reassuringly "..u-um well thanks nobody never really did this for me before...and it tastes good you're an o-k chef." He mumbled "Well thanks I'm glad you like it I tried to make it good for you.."

I started doing the dishes since we were done eating and Kenma sat on the couch watching Sword art online *I don't own that btw* 10 minutes later I called Kenma over to the kitchen "Kenma I have something for you come see!" He got up and walked into the kitchen "What is it?" "Close your eyes!" He raised his small hands to meet his eyes, I pulled out the sweets I got for him. "Open your eyes." He opened his eyes to see what I wanted to present. "Woah, I really like Mochi and all of these, thanks for the sweets.." As he took them out my hands he blushed. He ate them with a smile on his face as we watched anime, After a while he fell asleep in my lap so I carried him upstairs and laid him in my bed, and pulled a blanket over him and got under alongside him and fell asleep.

I had a really good feeling about this chapter tHe DraMa tHe RoManCe aAahH :D hope y'all liked it! *insert thumbs up*

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