✲ Chapter 8 ✲

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After we went shopping, the next day I went home after spending the night then laid in my bed and thought about some things.. Keiji-chan looked so hot yesterday..I kinda looked like a thug but my clothes were comfy so I didn't care. I can still smell him on his hoodie and he smells like vanilla and cinnamon. The sun was starting to set and my phone vibrated and I look and it's a text from Keiji-chan I jumped up from excitement and quickly replied.

7:43 pm (Keiji): did you have fun with me today?

7:43 pm (you): yea also i bought u something and i want u to have it when i come to your school tuesday :)

7:43 pm (Keiji): what is it?

7:43 pm (you): its a secret are u dumb?

7:44 pm (Keiji): oh sorry and yea i might be hmm not sure

7:44 pm (you): ur so weird. ill officially see u at ur school tuesday so wait for me ok?

7:44 pm (Keiji): sure thing

I put down my phone and smile. I hope he likes the gift I got him. I should get ready for bed. I mumble. I hop in the shower, change, play my game for a bit, and then go to sleep.

I get up from my alarm, hop in the shower, then put on my nekoma uniform for the last time. As I'm walking I see kuroo and avoid him and go a different way. I surprisingly met up with Keiji-chan faster that way. I waved at him a little wave and he waved back and put his hand back in his pocket. "HEY, HEY, HEY!" Bokuto yells "I'm glad you're going to our school pudding head!" He picks me up and hugs me while swinging me around, then puts me down. I wobble and feel a little dizzy after that, Keiji-chan picked me up and put me on his back. Keiji-chan is now 6'1 he grew so much over break... and im still only 5'5 and Bokuto stands at 6 ft. It feels nice to be high up so I enjoy it for as long as it lasts. When Keiji-chan starts walking I lay my head on his, I was a little tired since I stayed up playing my game. This time we hop on a train so we all get to our schools. I wave Keiji-chan off while I walk up the side walk to my school. I head straight for the office to receive my transfer paper and they signed it off! That means I'm qualified to go the Keiji-chans school! I'm really happy and I smile while staring at the signature of our principle. I head to the gym to show my coach the paper so I can sign off on being out the club. Mission complete. Then I have to head over to my home room class and show my main sensei. I walk in and bow since I'm disrupting the class, I notice Kuroo but I ignore him. I pass my teacher the paper and she hugs me with tears in her eyes.

The students wonder why sensei is crying so they all get quiet. "It was nice having you here these years, Kenma you were my best student I'll miss you and have fun at Fukurodani." she says and waves me off as I walk out. As I'm walking I heard a loud screech then booming footsteps, then I was being grabbed by someone and it was kuroo he took me into a corner crying. "WHY ARE YOU LEAVING!" he sobbed. I don't say anything because I didn't feel like talking anyways. "Please Kenma..don't leave me here..I'm not qualified for Fukurodani so I cant follow you there!" I don't reply "Please Kitten....I LOVE YOU PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS."He looks a mess right now but I'm also thinking of my future and It looks better without him. Suddenly kuroo kisses me "MMHh..MMF!" I push him off of me. "STOP IT! I DON'T CARE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I run off and go as fast as my legs can carry me. I find a bathroom and hide in a stall. I'm terrified, I've never seen him like that before, he was so hostile and he was a mess..At least I wont have to see him anymore I can't stand him any longer. Everyday he's with a different girl flirting with them and stuff. Keiji would never do that he's liked me ever since he saw me at the beginning of freshman year, and he's never been in a relationship before so why would he mess his first one up?

I get tired of crying and get up and leave, I go back to running my errands around the school.

Time Skip~ (sorry)

I change into my volleyball jersey and get ready for my last afternoon in the gym of Nekoma High. My teammates found out about me leaving and everyone was talking about how they were going to miss me. Yaku burst into tears and hugged me really tight, I literally almost stopped breathing, I didn't like the hug either. Today we didn't do much since everyone was sad I was leaving, It's not such a big deal all I do is throw a ball to someone. They'll be able to replace me easily, I don't know why it's such a problem for them. I'm really happy because now I can be with Keiji-chan completely, I'll be able to be with him at school and go on dates..Everyday I start to love him more and more and I can't help it he's so likable besides the rude comments every now and then. He's the only one I fangirl for.

In the corner of my eye I see Keiji-chan appear on the other end of the court. I start walking towards him but a walk turns into a run when I see the look on his face. He's furious. He walks right past me throws his bag down and speeds up in pace, he cracks his knuckles and he's headed straight for kuroo. Everyone's head turns his way except for kuroo, he walks up to kuroo and taps him on the shoulder. When he turns around WHAAM! he punches him in the face then grabs him by the shirt WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! and he doesn't stop until Bokuto, Teshiro and Lev rip him off of him and drag him away. 

I run and get my bag and his then see kuroo on the floor bleeding and everyone's surrounding him. I keep my head down and run to the nurses office where I figured Keiji would be. I rush in and Keiji has his head down and Bokuto turns my way with a sad face then looks down at his feet. I'm huffing and puffing because I ran from a long way. "W..ha..t..ha..ppen..ed..?" I say exhausted. "Please just come with me.." Bokuto says as he grabs me by the arm. He walks out with me and we're walking for a long time and we stop, then he whips out his phones unlocks it and scrolls through it. A few seconds later he presents it to me..it was a.... picture...of..me..and Kuroo...kissing...no no no no no no no no this can't be happening I thought to myself almost having a panic attack "I'm not one to make assumptions, so can you please tell me it Isn't what I think it is." I couldn't help it the tears were overflowing and dripping everywhere, every time I tried to wipe them away more came flowing out. "N-no I'd *hic* never d-do that t-to K-keiji..please b-believe me I l-love him.." Bokuto hugged me and walked me back to the nurses office. I rush to Keiji, tears flowing and I hug him as tight as I can, crying on him. I look up and he's crying but smiling a forceful smile. "All of his fingers are broken. With the exception of his thumb." Lev admits with his head hanging low. I turn to look at Keiji and he nods. "The nurses said he shouldn't play volleyball for at least a few months until he recovers." I gently lay my head in Keiji's lap "Why would you do this to yourself." I say while quietly sobbing. "I'm sorry sunflower..I was so angry when I saw the picture and I couldn't stop myself..." He leans down and kisses my forehead. 

The door quickly slams open and it's kuroo holding his head back blood rushing from his nose as he walks with Yaku and Yamamoto Taketora and I feel Keiji tense up and ball up his left hand. Time passes by while we're waiting to be dismissed Keiji is out cold, as Kuroo walks back out I look and he has a neck brace, bandages with plastic supporters wrapped around his nose, a black eye, and stitches. I look back down at my feet and as he walks past me he whispers "I'm sorry Kozume.." I almost cried, but he had it coming he shouldn't have done that if he knew I was in a relationship I mean well..everyone knew by now..but it's been a while since he said my name like that and I couldn't help but sob and cry silently because people's worlds are falling apart because of me.. After a while the principle is getting ready to dismiss us "I won't be pressing charges on Keiji because he has a mental illness and that may have caused him to act out of line but if it happens again on my school property I'll have no choice. Now you kids head out before my head falls off my shoulders." Mental illness..? He's never told me about this..I wake Keiji up and we walk out and Bokuto is sleeping in a chair and snoring outside the office. I gently shake him to wake him up so we can leave. We walk out and I hold Keiji's  left hand and squeeze it gently.

This one was superrrr longg the word count up top is 1660 I'll try not to drag it on for this long anymore since people may lose interest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ until next time you pervs :)) *insert thumbs up*

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