✲ Chapter 11 ✲

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I wake up to the sound of Keiji's alarm, I get up and he's still sleeping peacefully with his lips parted slightly. I listen closely and...he's snoring?...It's very light and gentle, so low you can barely hear it. I stare at him for a while and he slowly opens his eyes and I can't move so I shut mine closed and pierce my lips together making a pretty awkward face..

"Kenma?" He says in a sleepy voice as I'm literally a few inches from his face. "U-um y-yes..?" I say peeking to look at him slightly opening one eye. "Why were you staring at me?" he asks rubbing his eyes, yawning. "W-well...I was just seeing if you snored.." I say nervously "Oh..was I loud? Sorry if I woke you.." I open my eyes and look back at him "You weren't loud it was soft and gentle..." I kinda blush. That was weird. "Oh..okay." he says as he starts to sit up.

I move out the way as he gets up scratching his head, walking towards his bathroom. His hair was messy and really curly today he looked like a cute cat. He runs the water for his shower and I wait for him while playing a game on my phone. About 15 minutes later he comes back out with a towel wrapped around his perfectly slim hips. I look but quickly turn away before he notices. His skin is such a pretty golden but pale tone, he removes the towel off his head and his curls spring up. 

He really could be a model..no matter what angle or where I look at him he always has a beautiful expression, but he's never smiling or has the least bit of excitement on his face. Maybe he just has a hard time expressing his feelings...not everyone is like bokuto-senpai. "Kenma Its your turn go shower." He states blankly I get up and head to the bathroom to wash up. 

When I get out Keiji is sitting at his desk writing or studying probably I hurry up and change into my school uniform while he's distracted. I go downstairs and eat some toast while I watch a apex legends live stream. Keiji comes down and pours himself a cup of orange juice and chugs it down. He grabs his keys and his bag "C,mon let's go.." he says flatly as he starts to leave.

I turn off the tv and grab my stuff and walk out. As were walking down the street I whip out my console and play minecraft, you could tell we were getting closer to bokuto because his voice was getting closer and closer. "AKAASHIIIIII!" he yelled from his house frantically waving his arms around. Keiji stuck his hands in his pockets as bokuto ran up to him reaching for a hug.

Surprisingly, he let bokuto hug him and we kept walking and talking about random things that aren't necessary. When we get to the school we separate, Keiji looked a little sad but he walked away too fast before I could say anything. He's starting to look duller and duller or maybe It's just my imagination.

When I step into class everyone is looking, pointing, talking...I keep my head down and silently walk to my desk. I hate this why can't everything just be normal..why did he have to come here and embarrass me like this. I lean my head down further as my hair covers my face and I cry quietly. 

I hate the whispers and the giggles they have no meaning but give no remorse whatsoever..I shut my eyes and all I can see are the shadows with blurred out faces, painted on with white. I just want the whispers to stop, why don't they stop? Why do they push me so hard until I'm falling in a pool of guilt, in need of saving. I'm scared...(pure poetry 😭)

I lay my head on my desk and stare out the window next to me. The sky is clear and the sun is burning those under it without shade, the gentle breeze blowing the cherry blossoms right off of trees adding a beautiful adjustment to the sky. I want to leave and just go home but I can't, we have practice today and I feel like Keiji needs me more than ever now. 

I'm a little traumatized from what he did to Kuroo I didn't think he would just snap like that...he looks like a gentle person and he is..but I guess he can't control his anger very well. I feel safe with him though since he was so quick to protect me and have my back. I rub the ring that read "Keiji Akaashi" with my thumb and rub it against the engravings, this way we're connected..Can we stay connected?

When my teacher walks in we get started with our assignments later on I fall asleep towards the end of class. My dream was a little emotionally disturbing It looked so real..the blood seemed real...then...I woke up and the bell rang then everyone sprang up out of their seats talking with friends about plans this friday. 

I get my stuff and sluggishly walk out the classroom and down the hallway. I spot Keiji and he's leaning against a wall on his phone, I walk up to him and tug on his jacket. He turns around and looks down at me "Yes? Oh hi kenma." he says with his full attention turned towards me. "Can you buy me creambread?" I say lowly as I dig in my pocket and pull out roughly 750 yen then pass it to him. "Oh sure." he walks away looking down at his phone. He didn't take the money..I start making my way to my 2nd period.

I can't wait to go home with Keiji I think to myself. We can play minecraft and eat snacks..and maybe...we can cuddle...I blush and continue walking to class. I check my schedule and it's a new club I'm officially in for gaming. I walk in and everyone's so early and they're looking at me. "Woah it's a girl.." someone whispers. 

I already hate this club

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