✲ Chapter 19 ✲

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The night air was cold and blew through my hair as I pushed Keiji down the street.
I don't know what I'm doing...
He should be resting at the hospital..where nurses and doctors can tend to his every need, 
but he's out in the cold..not at the hospital.
I can't tend to his every need...I can barely tend to my own needs...but I have to try..
"Are you feeling okay?"
"Are you sure?"
"..As long as I'm with you..i'll be at 100%.."

'Like a battery life?...'

"O-okay.." I replied, unsure of his last statement.
I continued pushing him until we reached his house, I was tired but Keiji needed to be home..
We finally reached his house and walked up to his door.
I pulled out my copy of the key to his house and gently pushed in into the keyhole.
I opened the door and pushed Keiji into his perfectly tidy two story house.
It always smells so nice in here..and It's always clean..
I turn around to lock the door, then back around and Keiji is already halfway up the stairs.
I sigh and trail behind him. 
"Sit..I'll dress you.." I said while digging in his walk in closet. He has so many clothes..
I pick out a black t shirt and black joggers for him.

"Arms up.." I say while walking up to him.
I pull off his shirt and help him put on his new one.
"Any pain?.."
I pull down his pants one leg at a time and gently push his legs through his new joggers.
I lightly sigh and get up. Nurses have a boring job...

"Do you want to watch a movie?"
"..um sure.."
"Okay." he says with a gentle smile.

I grab Keiji's macbook off his desk that was so neatly organized and placed it on his bed.
An Idea pops into my head and I decide to follow through with it.
"I'll be right back okay?" I said while closing the door

I quickly go down the stairs and into the kitchen. 
'I don't want to cook anything so..I guess I'll make a snack tray..'
I grab a wooden tray from out of a cabinet and place it on the counter. 
'He likes pocky...'
I look in 3 different cabinets until I find one filled with snacks I grab chocolate and strawberry pocky boxes and open them up. I gently shake them out of the box and onto the wooden tray.
I then, go in the fridge and pull out strawberries and apples. I grab a small knife and cut up the fruit into bite sized pieces. Then, I grab pretzels, crackers, and a chocolate bar. I place them on the tray perfectly. Just for presentation..
I grab cream bread for me, since that's all I want.
I put the bag of cream bread in my mouth and hold the plastic with my teeth. Then I grab the tray and slowly walk out the kitchen and up the stairs.

I open the door and Keiji turned on his led lights and they're really pretty...its light blue and purple at the moment.
He turns around to face me and he looked a tiny bit surprised.
"..wow..pocky.." he said while grabbing one and taking a small bite out of the tip.
I place the tray down next to him and sit down on his bed.
"..t-thank you.." he said, blushing slightly.
"..I- um..yea..you're welcome.." I said blushing like a nervous idiot.
Keiji sat up next to me and I feel uneasy by the way he was looking at me.

He rested his hand on my cheek and smiled a small..but warm smile at me..
He hesitantly inched closer to me and then sweetly kissed me. He always gave the best kisses...
I can't Imagine living without them..or him..
I wanted the kiss to last forever but it came to an end after a while..
Keiji rested his forehead on mine, but his was so much warmer..I could tell I was cold since its so cold here..
I pull him into a hug and rub his back, letting him know it's okay..
he's proof that..
Actions speaks louder than words..

He rested his head on my shoulder and...we stayed like this for a while. I felt my shoulder get wet..and I could tell he was crying..things get bad when Keiji loses his composure..but he always manages to stay calm..you'd never know if he was feeling any other emotion than neutral..
right now is he only time I get to have alone with him because tomorrow...
I have to bring him back...even though he's not going to like that..

"Hey...it's okay...I'm here.."
"Let's watch something..okay?"

He ended up picking My little monster, because a main character Haru Yoshida reminds him of Bokuto...
To be honest I think Haru is more like Kageyama..because bokuto isn't...as violent..
And why is he always jumping out of windows?
Keiji started to fall asleep..and when he did, I was scared.
Scared that when I woke up, he wouldn't be getting up and ready in the morning.
.....That he wouldn't be getting up at all...
That feared me the most...I knew the risks of taking him...I knew what could have happened.
But I need him..this is my time to be selfish...
I can't say I'll be the most affected...but I won't be the least...

I wish I could see him for the first time again.
I wish I could meet him for the first time again.
I wish I could kiss him for the first time again.

I wish we could start over...but...wishes don't always get granted...

I pick up my phone and turn it on
43 Missed calls from Bokuto ***-***-****
Oh god..
There were atleast 20 more messages but I turned off my phone.  
He's coming back tomorrow I promise...

This is what he wanted..

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