✲ Chapter 12 ✲

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I'm trying out this new game and a lot of people are crowding around me. It's very annoying they're acting like they've never seen a girl before. "Woah her eyelashes are so long!" "Her skin is so pale!"one of the boys comes up to me and leans in really close, studying my facial features. He had dark brown curly hair,tan skin,and big brown eyes."What's your name?"he asks"K-kenma K-kozume.." I reply feeling really nervous. "I'm Kai itsuki! The manager for this club." he says with a grin. "...cool" I say not feeling very excited, I continue playing my game. 

"Do you want to play Among Us Kenma?" A boy with red hair asks me. "No." I reply "Awhh..c,mon it'll be fun!" he says trying to persuade me. "....fine but after this leave me alone." I say giving in. "Yeah! I'm red, since my hair is red." he says "I'm Green because green is cool!" another boy says and so on.. We played for a while and I guess it was fun, I kinda wanted to go home..I was the impostor the whole time and nobody thought it was me.

(Btw I don't know much about among us if what I say is wrong sorry  😃👍)

"WhAT? iT wAs yOu kEnMa?!" one boy exclaimed when the game was over. "Yea..I thought it was obvious.." I reply "Wow you really tricked us..that was fun though!" another boy said. "Yeah!" the boy with red hair said. A few minutes later everyone is playing battle royale games and Akaashi walks in and starts talking to Itsuki. After that he makes his way over to me and sits next to me.

"What'cha doing?" he asks "Playing fortnite.." I reply. He then lightly kisses my cheek then grabs my hand. "Ready to go?" he asks with a tiny smile. "I guess so.." I say lowly. He leads me out of the class holding my hand gently, I hear people whispering and mumbling "She has a boyfriend?" "I guess so.." "I didn't think kenma was dating someone...that sucks." I sigh as we're walking out. 

"Did you have fun?"

"No not really"

"Why not? I thought you liked gaming..."

"Well...I kinda had fun I guess..we played a game and I won."

"Well that's good.."

"How was studying?"

"Boring, but I got a lot done."

"Can we stop at that sweet shop again."

"Yea..Cream bread?"


"Okay I'll buy it for you."

We walk out of the school and head to a sweet shop.  

Akaashi gets cream bread, mochi, and dango for me and a chocolate bar for himself. As we're walking out I eat my dango and its really good. "Thanks.." "It was a simple request no need to say thank you." He says that with a very small smile, almost invisible. I stare at him for a while as were walking, he always looks so beautiful I wonder why he likes me..he looks at me and I quickly look down and start to blush. Akaashi stops walking then grabs my waist and kisses me softly. 

I can feel my face get hot as he pulls away, struggling to find words I stutter out "W-wha- what did you d-do that f-for?!" "I thought you would've liked it..I guess not." he mumbles loud enough for me to hear. "N-no! I-i did it's just you did it so randomly!" I say feeling flustered. "...well..can I kiss you now?" he asks looking like a child asking for candy. "....I-i guess so.." he leans in and gently kisses me. I kiss him back and his lips are always so soft and his kisses are always so sweet.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down lower since hes so tall. I love his kisses, they make me feel wanted and like only I matter to him. And sure enough that's how he feels. He pulls away from me blushing. "I-i l-love you Kenma..and I hope soon I can turn these into engagement rings.." he says while lifting his hand showing me his ring reading 'Kenma Kozume'. I raise my hand and intertwine it with his.

"And I'll be here waiting for you to put it on me." 

Okay guys sadly the end of this story will be coming soon and I hoped you liked it i'll be starting two more books soon and I kinda need help..I've already picked a cover for my 2nd one but not the 3rd so when i make the 3rd we will have a little poll I guess and whichever you guys like the most I will pick oh and I'm changing the cover for this one as well I made the cover but I didnt make the characters and I DONT own "Haikyuu!!".  Btw thanks for 250+ reads! 

And like always until next time you little pervs :) *insert thumbs up*

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