✲ Chapter 4 ✲

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Keiji is softly kissing my shoulders and neck, Its making me feel really hot. Then he stops, kisses my cheek and lifts up my sweater, sticks his head in it and says "It's really warm, I could stay here forever." Then hugs me under my sweater. His curly and soft hair tickles me so I was trying not to laugh. I hugged him back and he popped his head out my sweater, hugged me again then left while waving goodbye. 

I was stretching with Bokuto because I couldn't bother stretching with Kuroo, since he's acting weird lately. Why was he even worried he hasn't been talking to me for almost a month now, every time I try to talk or hangout he's always saying things like "Oh I'm with friends so I can't." or "No thanks I'm with someone tonight." but sometimes he just ignores me completely. So I just won't bother anymore.. "Oi!" I turned and it was Bokuto calling out to me "hmm?" I reply "Are you and Akaashi..you know...a thing? I saw you guys flirting by the locker room doors." I blushed, flustered I told him "W-well he asked me if I wanted to try dating and I said yes..so I guess that makes Keiji my b-boyfriend." His face lit up and he grabbed me by the shoulders shaking me frantically saying " Wow! Akaashi has never asked out anyone before or even had a lover! I guess that makes a first..I thought he was going to be single forever!

"Im his first..?"

I look over to Keiji and he's practicing with his teammates, he looks so good and refreshing I look down because I don't want him to notice me staring. Bokuto looks over at me with a confused face saying "You like him don't you? For how long?" "Well..remember that day when we had a practice game? I was trying to read him but he was kinda unpredictable and I couldn't stop staring at him because he was kinda different from other players and wasn't as childish like Bokuto-san was, and his voice was very calming but stern." Bokuto started smiling "You sure do know a lot about him!" He said cheerfully  "I actually had a crush on him my freshman year and he turned me down." "why are you happy about that?" I asked with a confused look on my face. "Well I got over it, and plus I'm happy he's not with some dumb annoying girl." he said while shrugging. "Well of course I'm not dumb, you're more dumb than i'll ever be baka." "Hey! That's rude Kenma-san!" He says with a dramatic face.

Later After Practice

As I'm packing my bag I notice Keiji walking my way and I start to get nervous, he grabs my bag, takes out my game, passes it to me then puts my bag on his back and starts walking. I follow him of course I mean he has my bag and all my stuff is in there. He then takes me to his teams side of the court and I sit and play my game while he talks to some people beside me. I can tell Kuroo is staring at me it made me uncomfortable. I slowly, but gently move closer to Keiji, I can tell he noticed because he looked back at me and stared for a while, then taps me on the shoulder. I pause my game, and turn around to see him smiling at me, I whipped my head back around blushing and continued playing my game.

*eHem its time for Kuroos opinion on this* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) This part is going to be in Kuroos perspective but only for a short amount of time 

Kuroos Perspective

"Why is kenma with him all the time..?" I pondered, Bokuto's next to me being his loud and goofy self. I can't help but stare at him..he's so cute with his hair clipped back, playing his little game console. He doesn't talk to me as much as he did before..is it because I met new people? HE PAUSED HIS GAME?! He's never done that for me before no matter how long I bugged him! What the hell is going on?! I thought to myself. Why is he being so affectionate towards him..? He's never leaned that close to me. He must be using him..but for what? That has to be the only reason he's hanging out with Akaashi out of all people! Ugh! That's when I remembered..

"He's my Boyfriend."

That's not his boyfriend he barely even calls me his friend! At this point I could punch a brick wall. Wait..is he blushing..? b-but Kenma never blushes. "Oi." I call over Bokuto. "Are they dating?" He nods "They've been going out for about a week or two now..? I'm not sure..but Akaashi seems to like Kenma a lot and Kenma does too so.." He says while shrugging. "I can't believe it.." I mumbled "I caught them kissing by the locker room earlier they're so cute!" He says with a bright smile. They've already kissed...?  I can't believe it. I'm not gonna let him go that easily I'm gonna talk to that little prick after practice. Kenma wont even look at me because of him, I can't stand it. He won't talk, He doesn't look at me and he won't talk to me when we're walking home, He doesn't even ride with our team to the gym, he's always with him instead its driving me crazy. He's got to come back with me, Akaashi isn't good enough for him, and nothing can change my mind. How am I gonna get him to talk to me..?  Whatever I'll think about that later after practice. For now I should just focus on volleyball and keep my game up so coach won't get mad.

I ended up getting yelled at anyway. I can't stop thinking about him so my work is sloppy. We were never dating but I made it seem like it and I don't want that to go away. I Want it to be real.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter sorry for a late upload i was suuper tired and I have classes in the morning so Ill try my best to update every day or so until the series is over. You guys can recommend what you want to happen and ill try to mesh them together ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but until then enjoy! *insert thumbs up*

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