✲ Chapter 16 ✲

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I woke up to my alarm feeling tired, I pick up my phone and stop the alarm. 'Kuroo is gone' I thought to myself. I look at my notification widget and notice a text message, "Hey tsukki I got up early to go to school srry I left u by yourself. Also u look so cute when ur sleepin! I couldnt help but take a pic of u." I didn't reply, that's so embarrassing! I cleared my head and got up then took a shower.

I walked out of my house dressed and ready for school. I started to play music and walk to school, hoping I would pass my test.

Kenma pov:
I'm waiting outside for Keiji to come and walk to school with me but he's taking forever to eat his rice ball. 'You're supposed to savor your favorite foods not scarf them down kenma-chan..' he told me. I sigh and start to play games on my phone, Akaashi made me lunch but I'm not going to eat it. The door swung open and akaashi walked out with his hands in his front pockets. "Are you ready to go now?" he asked me, his voice low with gentle eyes. "Yes.." I replied. Keiji leaned in and placed a kiss on my cheek then started to walk off to our usual meet-up spot. When we were walking someone started calling me and interrupted my game.

"O-okay can you not scream in my ear though.."
"OH! Sorry Kozume-kun!"
"Ok well I was playing a game so I'm hanging up now."
I hung up and continued playing my game.
"Akaashi-chan..bokuto is going to be late."
"He always stays up all night playing video games with Hinata and Kuroo, I'm not surprised."
"2 hours is enough sleep for me.."
"Maybe you should sleep more Kenma-chan.."
"I'm Fine.."

We waited for Bokuto-san at our meet-up spot until he came. We had to run to school or we were going to be late, but Keiji carried me on his back because he knows I hate running. When we got to school Keiji told me to make sure to eat my lunch and be good.
"I'm not a child.."
"I know but It seems like I have to treat you like one so you will listen.."
I scoffed, because he was right..
"I love you.." He told me before placing a kiss on my forehead and walking away. 
I started walking down the hallway, heading to my class. I really don't like school..there's to many people, and so many questions. It's not like I'm dumb or anything, I just don't like being targeted or stared at. 

I was taking notes for a test until suddenly my name was being called on the intercom.
"Kozume Kenma please come the the main office. Kozume Kenma. Kozume Kenma."
I slowly got up out of my seat feeling embarrassed. I kept fidgeting with my fingers as I walked down the hallway, I didn't know why I was being called up to the office. 
When I walked into the office there was a lady waiting for me in the office 
"Kozume Kenma?" She said after looking up from her clipboard. 
"Alright, follow me to my office please." She said as she started to walk away.

We stepped into her office and I took a seat at the front of her desk, as she sat down and started typing on a laptop my leg started to jitter and tremble.
"Am I in any type of trouble?"
"Yes but it's not major, I just need to ask you some questions." She said with a small smile
I took a deep breath as she rested her arms on her desk and crossed her legs.
"My first question is..who is this male in this security footage?" she said while turning her laptop around to face me.
"Kuroo..he used to be my childhood friend.."
"Okayy...why did he verbally attack you?"
"..He was trying to get me to go back to Nekoma..but i said no because I couldn't be there if he was there.."
"Why not? He's your friend right?"
"Well...I was acting tough that day but deep down I was scared...one day he did something I didn't like..I didn't want that, and It was scary for me.."
"Okay well I'm happy you were able to share this information with me...You may take your leave thank you."

I left in a rush, my heart was pounding and I felt like every time I took a breath I couldn't take in as much air as before. I walked back to class and when I walked in all of my stuff was packed up nicely on my desk, and Keiji was sitting in my seat on his phone while all the girls gushed over him.
"He's so hot.." one girl said
"I know right..and he's in our grade, do you see his uniform?" another girl gushed
"you should talk to him aiko!" a girl recommended to her friend

I tried to ignore those girls and walked over to Keiji.
"..Akaashi-chan..why are you here?.." I asked
"Oh..I came to get you."
"You can't just kidnap me in the middle of class.."
"It's not kidnapping.."
"It basically is.."

"Umm..h-hi my name is Aiko yoshida.." that girl from earlier said as she passed Keiji a note.
"What's this?"
"Just read it when you have a chance." She said while scurrying away back to her friends.
I sigh "Lets just go..class is over anyway.."
"Okay." he said with a small smile while getting out of my seat.
Keiji started carried my stuff on his back and reached for my hand to hold it.

Now we're in the school library reading manga. 
He's reading something about a manga writer, and I'm reading no game no life since it's about video games. He looks so beautiful whenever, he's not even doing anything and he looks like a model..
I guess you can say I missed him over the weekend..
"Kenma-chan are you okay?" he said calmly in a low tone of voice.
"Y-yes.." I said nervously.
"Okay..I love you sunflower." he said with a gentle smile.
I blushed under my hair, he's so beautiful I can't help but go crazy over him..
This makes me wonder if he really wants to marry me..and if he does..I'll make sure it happens.

Hii i know this chapter was kinda short but im currently working on a discord server for you guys x) so If you want to join ill send the link here and in the comment section! 

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