✲ Chapter 13 ✲

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I found cool flowers so I'll be changing the chapter names to stuff like ✲Chapter 1✲ I like it very much :) *Insert thumbs up*

Kuroo POV:   [Bet you didn't expect that one >:).]

I wake up feeling good but annoyed. My cat is laying right on my face so I pick her up and put her on my pillow, then start getting ready. I look in the mirror in my bathroom and turn my head side to side as I examine my face. The bruises are almost gone but not that visible..I shouldn't have did what I did to kenma, he didn't deserve that..

I get in the shower and clear my thoughts as I wash my weirdly styled bed hair. 

When I get out I wipe my now foggy mirror and look at my face, water dripping down strands of my hair that are glued to my forehead. I start styling my hair in its usual spiky shape. I look in my closet and grab ash blue ripped jeans, a black sweater, and black converse. I check myself out in the mirror because i'm literally the hottest guy you'll ever meet. I grab my phone and wallet then walk out my house.

As I'm walking down the street I pass by kenmas house. I don't know why but now I'm standing in front of his door, knocking. I stand there for a while, waiting...I step down and I hear the door unlock so I turn around. And It's Akaashi scratching his head and rubbing his eyes, looking a little tired. 

"Huh? What do you want Kuroo I thought I made it clear you're not wanted here."               "Look, I just want to talk to Kenma I swear I won't come back if you let me see him. Please."           
He sits there staring at me, glaring. I feel a drop of sweat drip down my cheek, I've never seen him look at anybody like that before and it's literally traumatizing. He looks behind him and opens the door all the way. "Fine. Touch him and I'll slice your neck open, got it?" I nod.

I make my way upstairs to see kenma in nothing but a oversized hoodie and boxers, playing his game on his bed. "K-kenma.." I say looking down at my feet. "Uh....oh..hey kuroo.." he says while sitting up. "It's been awhile kitten.." I say with a small smile. "You shouldn't call me that anymore..It's silly and immature." He says in a stern low voice while looking down.

"Right...Look I just wanted to apologize and make it up to you..." I admit "By doing what? You ignored me for so long..Akaashi's fingers are ruined and he has to go through physical therapy, you made things worse for me so what you have to say better count because its riding on whether i'm going to forgive you or not." He says with a little frustration on his face. 

I hesitate..I know Akaashi is downstairs listening..

"I-i was In love with you okay? And I thought you didn't like me...so when I found out I liked you I tried to hide it by going out with multiple girls I didn't like..so I'm sorry I gave you the wrong idea.." I feel my eyes water up and my hands feel heavy.

"You could've said something you know..I never not once showed any attraction to girls around you, I thought it was obvious I wasn't interested in them."
"That was a terrible hint I would've never guessed that." I said with a confused look on my face
"Well maybe if you were more observant you'd know."
"Well sorry I'm not as smart as you kenma." I say mocking him while sticking my tongue out

Kenma sighs and looks up at me, calm and rational.

"...Fine I forgive you..but I'm not getting with you. Kei Tsukishima likes you so try talking to him." He says while getting up and starting to walk away.  I blush at the thought of Tsukishima liking me, he seems like the type of person to despise everyone. 

"Get out of my house!" I hear Kenma yell from downstairs "Alright, alright!" I yell back.

I walk downstairs and can feel Akaashi staring into my soul so I speed walk out of there.

I whip out my phone and go through my contacts and tap on "Tsukki 🦕🎥"

Tsukki answers my FaceTime call with his hair messy and his glasses off...cute..
"It's literally 7:45 and not to mention the fact that its Saturday."
"Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me?" I ask with a small smile
"Umm....sure why not I guess.." Tsukki replies while putting on his glasses
"You look cute.." I say while looking away from my screen. I look back up to tsukki blushing, bright red 

"I just thought I should tell you."
"W-whatever, I'm going to get ready goodbye."

He hung up on me and I put my phone back in my pocket.

I guess that's enough proof that he likes me..I would've never thought that Tsukishima would be in love with me. How did kenma know? Is he psychic? No, that's dumb. Now that I think about it..my outfit actually looks pretty dumb..

Tsukki POV:
I hung up I couldn't bare to see his stupid face anymore. "Baka!" I yell into my pillow. I get up with a sigh
I should get ready. I think to myself.
I hop into the shower and all I can think about is Kuroo. I can't help but picture him smiling at me..he's so perfect..its a little confusing, why is he showing a sudden interest in me? I shouldn't think about it too much I should just clear my thoughts.

When I get out I put on a button up shirt,a black sweater, light blue jeans, and white air force ones then pull my collar out of the sweater hole.
(Tsukki got drip yes indeed 😌✨)

I'm ready for my "date" I guess

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