✲ Chapter 3 ✲

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I rushed home after the incident 

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I rushed home after the incident 

I can't stop thinking about Keiji, it's like his face is engraved in my mind... Keiji

Oh right. I said I would text him. "what should i say?" I mumble to myself. Maybe a simple "hey" will be fine.

10:27 pm (you): Hey :)

10:27 pm (Keiji): Oh hey i didn't think you were actually gonna text me

10:27 pm (you): you didnt want me to?

10:27 pm (Keiji): no i did its just took you awhile

10:28 pm (you): i was caught up doing something and i was playing my game

10:28 pm (Keiji): i got you something btw

10:28 pm (you): you dont have to do that yk i wouldn't randomly buy you anything

10:28 pm (Keiji): that was kinda mean ;( but i like the honesty ;3 you're so cute

10:29 pm (you): thanks i think you're weird :|

10:29 pm (Keiji): okay i think thats enough Dx

10:29 pm (Keiji): anyways can you tell me more about you and stuff you like?

It was 1:42 am and we were still texting but i got tired

I decided to go to sleep and woke up to someone knocking on my door, I checked my phone and it was 7:03 am. I go downstairs and its the mailman with a package. "i didn't order anything." I thought to myself. I opened it with my fingernail and unwrapped the bubble wrap, and it was the newest mario game and a gift card for my nintendo switch. I figured it was from Keiji. I can't imagine how expensive this was because it just came out.. How am I gonna pay him back? I should just return it i don't want to see like a gold digger or whatever girls do these days..?

I'm obviously not good at this dating thing..

I took my shower and wrapped his gift back up.

"When is she coming back?"  I think to myself. My mom has been on a work trip for a few days now..I worry about her and I'm kinda lonely without her. I guess I should try hanging out with Keiji to help with my loneliness. Plus he's really nice and cute and I think he likes me because he wouldn't ask me that if he didnt..

"Would you like to try dating me?"

It's still stuck in my head and I cant get it out it keeps replaying itself.

"Maybe i should try finding him..?" I think to myself. I remember going through the park and he was at a bus stop waiting..? Maybe he'll be there again today..I walk that way and see him. I get nervous and hide behind a tree."why did I come here..? Is this considered stalking? This is weird, but i have to see him again.." I walk back and turn around to make it seem like I'm just now getting there. Keiji notices me and waves me over. I nervously walk over there. Keiji is standing there, sun beaming on his tan but pale, smooth skin. As I get closer he leans in to hug me as I brace for impact this made me realize..Kuroo never hugged me before. So I hugged him back and enjoyed it too.This made me feel special Then Bokuto came around and it was kinda fun.

We walked to the buses together and goofed around laughing and having fun. Girls from Keiji's school were there to wish him good luck in the practice games and they were whispering things about me like: "is that his girlfriend? This is her second time being by his side." "She looks shy..she doesn't seem mean i guess." "She's kinda pretty! She's sooo lucky to have Akaashi he's like a model!" I started to look down at my feet feeling a little subconscious. Then, I felt Keijis arms wrap around me into a warm hug. As he whispered in my ear "Don't listen to them just think about happy things like video games." I got butterflies.."he payed attention" I thought to myself he knew I liked video games. We stood there for a while I could hear them gossip and whisper about us hugging but they started to fade away. And all i could think about was

Akaashi Keiji

Am I dreaming or am I really with a boy you could only dream of having in your arms..? I could stay like this forever, but it was time to board the bus and yet again, he brought me into a seat in the back with him. And of course we were clowning around with Bokuto. It was so much fun i never do any of these things with Kuroo. 

"oya~" "oya oya?" "oya oya oya~" we all laughed like a bunch of grade school kids. Keiji ruffled up Bokutos hair and he got so mad and yelled "AKAASHIIII" I was laughing too hard because his hair looked so funny. I've never laughed out loud like that before. "Oh you think that's funny!?" Bokuto said. I couldn't stop laughing so he messed up my hair and it looked like a dog was on top of my head. Keiji burst into laughter and said I had a mop on my head so me and Bokuto messed him up real good. When we got there I looked fine because my hair was easy to fix but Bokuto, not so much..so we ran to the bathroom and I poured water on his head and styled it down and he liked it a lot. He looked like a whole new person and all the girls were fangirling over him.

Me and Keiji ran into Kuroo and he looked like he wanted to say something but he walked off and I just stared at my shoes "Babe." Keiji gently pushed me into a wall, kissed my neck and whispered in my ear "Don't worry about him just focus on you." How am I supposed to focus when you keep doing this?!?! My face was turning red and I had butterflies in my stomach.

"S-stop someone will see us!"

                                                                                             "Good, let them see"

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