✲ Chapter 7 ✲

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This chapter is in Kenma's perspective here's your warninggg

I wake up In a huge room that isn't mine I look up, Keiji's arms are wrapped around me and my arm is wrapped around his waist. I blush and go back to sleep. I wake up again and this time Keiji isn't embracing me anymore, which made me a little sad. I wobble my way downstairs and see Keiji making breakfast and it smells really good. Keiji notices me and warmly greets me. "Good Morning sunflower! Did you sleep okay?" "Mhm.." I mumble following that with a nod. 

~Time Skip~ After Breakfast *sorry for random time skip btw*

After I took my shower I borrowed some clothes from Keiji. I pick out a black hoodie, black sweatpants, dark grey socks, and a dark grey beanie. During breakfast Keiji asked if I would like to transfer from Nekoma to Fukurodani. I told him I'd think about it..but It's all I can think about now..I mean I'd like to play volleyball with Keiji he's very calm and collected so he wouldn't flake on me or whatever. Plus I feel like Bokuto has grown on me this week.."Kenma-chan..?" I look up and It's Keiji wearing a black turtle neck,dark blue jeans, a black leather jacket, white sneakers, and a white backwards baseball cap. "Yes?" I reply "Do you want to go the mall?" "L-like a date..?" I said nervously "Yes if you'll accompany me." I look down at my feet and twiddle my fingers "U-um yea..sure." he grabs my hand and his keys and we head out.

As we're walking past I couldn't help but wonder what Keiji was staring at.."Akaashi-chan..what are you looking at?" "The sky and the clouds...they look so nice today." I look up and realize he was right it looked beautiful today..Keiji is so unique I've never met anyone who liked the sky as much as him, usually when I see him he's either looking at me or at the sky. We stop at a close by store for some snacks. I got some of that sweet bread Keiji bought for me last time and Keiji got a granola bar and a chocolate bar. He payed for everything even  though I said I would. As we're walking out he opens his granola bar and takes a bite and as I eat my cream bread I reach for his hand. He notices and gently wraps his hand around mine and lightly swings it. We arrive at the mall and we get checked for weapons then continue walking being surrounded by different shops and sales people.

We stop at a clothing store and Keiji picks out lots of stuff for me and I try on what I like. He payed again after I said I would it makes me feel like I'm using him..We stop by a name brand shoe store and I pick out some white shoes for Keiji because he has a lot so I figured he likes white shoes. He picked out 4 different ones for me, when we put the shoes on the counter I quickly gave the cashier the money for them so Keiji wouldn't pay. We then stopped at a vans store for more clothes and accessories, I like the style their products are in so I picked out a good bit of stuff for me and Keiji. Then, I noticed a gaming shop so I lightly tug on Keiji's jacket and he turns around and looks at me. "U-um Akaashi-chan can we go there..?" I point to the shop, and he nods. We make our way over there and I buy some games and the newest ds console. All adding up to about 31,600 yen (around 300 us dollars). I walk out and Keiji Is being surrounded by pretty girls as he stares at his phone. I stand behind him hiding from the girls I don't like crowded or small spaces. "Is that her? Shes so pretty and young!" one girl gushes "Wow her hair is so unique." "Her skin looks so smooth and pale! Awhh I wish my skin was like that!" says another girl "Well she is a he and we're on a date so have a nice day." Keiji says while waving goodbye and walking away. 

As we're walking I feel happy, I didn't think he would stick up for me like that..Maybe I should do the same? I tell Keiji to wait for me at a bench and he takes a seat at one and waits, and I look around for a jewelry store or something. A few minutes later I find one and they do customs, I walk in and a lady greets me in. I look around the store and find the perfect rings and I pick them up and put them in a machine to be carved. 3 minutes later the rings came out and I paid for them and that summed up to 20073 yen (about 1.9k-2k in u.s $) they weren't cheap, I walk out and make my way over to Keiji, who is now being surrounded by boys and girls this time. I overhear what they're saying so I try and listen in to some things. "...and you have such a pretty face! You must resemble your mother a lot, I can't help but stare!" A girl says while blushing. I notice a really tall boy that might stand at least 190 cm leaning down so close to Keiji's face he could probably kiss him. Keiji looks up from his phone twiddles his fingers on it and brings it up to his ear. A few seconds later my phone rings and I nervously answer it.

"Hey sunflower! When are you coming back?"

"U-um I'm almost there.."

"Okay great, how does ice cream sound later?"

"Caramel chocolate swirl please." 

"Okay I'll get that for you then!"

I walk up to him still on the phone and say "Okay." then hangup and gently put my phone in my pocket. The people around him were saying things about me but I tried my best to ignore them as we're walking away. We had a lot of bags but Keiji carried almost all of them while I only carried 4 which wasn't fair. I was still happy, I got a new console today and Keiji practically bought me a new closet. I decided that a transfer wouldn't be so bad..I only really played volleyball because Kuroo liked it and wanted to play it with me. "Akaashi-chan.." When I said his name I could see his face turn red before he turned around. "Yes?" "U-um w-well I want to go to Fukurodani with you.." "Really? Well I'll get you signed up don't worry." I pull out my phone and start to play flappy bird with a smile on my face.

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